
  • Truth!!!! I have 100% all of the difficulties and he doesn’t exist.
  • Don’t forget about Carnage and Symbiote Supreme.
    in Buffed up node Kommentar von Pony_boy Juli 2020
  • Quit to work at a company that respects the consumer.
  • True but I hear the Grandmaster is rolling in pixels and needs to off load them before the IRS comes knocking. We don’t want the Grandmaster to go the way of Mr. Snipes, I’ll volunteer to hold some pixels for him.
  • Brah read those emails.
  • Is the Grandmaster going to come by after this issue like he did pre 12.0? I liked when he dropped by and handed out little pixels to make us feel better when the game wasn’t up to his standards.
  • My response is not connected the Combo Shield, but in response to the post I quoted if you read that. The gist is Kabam releases a Champ, hypes them up, Players drop cash, then they nerf the Champ and repeat the cycle. Now this is not 100% true all of the time of course, but it happens often. Case in point, Kabam selling…
  • Yep par for the course with Kabam. Anyone remember Doc Strange pre 12.0? Pepperidge Farms remembers spending a $100 on him only to have him nerfed 3 months later.
  • With all of the X’s in your name I would assume you have some L33tHaxorSki77s and pwn at the game. Why are you worrying about some boosts? Yes this is sarcasm, but who are you to question how someone else pays fo their hobbies? Either pay to play and reap the rewards, or free to play and plan ahead. Pay attention and use…
  • No one cares about Loki and his buff stealing ability. Please answer the actual issues pertaining to his Combo Shield; both from Synergy and from his Abilities; being able to be Nullified or activate Spite. This are the concerns and issues of the community. If his Combo Shield can now be Nullified, Stagger, Spite, Dormo,…
  • Transmuting Potions and Revives should be part of the game, along with Potions being percent based instead of Hit Points. This is a better quality of life for Summoners. It would be appreciated if sometimes you put customer enjoyment over making money.
  • And there is a problem in changing the crystal? Why is it bad to change the crystal to give those who worked harder a better outcome? Proof is in the Black ISO store and the ability to trade in shards for a higher level item. No one using 5 and 6 stars in their roster care about 3 stars. And again my opinion people would…
  • Removing the 3 stars results in less trash and waste of units and increasing viable champions such as 4 stars. Again quality of life, spending 300 units to get a crapped on by a 3 star reduces the amount a casual spender will buy. My point is not about increasing 5 or 6 stars, but increasing the “enjoyment” of buying a…
  • Forget the part about RNG. There is not reason someone who is Cavalier would need a 3 star. And even if they get a max sig crystal those few extra shards are piddly. Changing this crystal from 3-6 to 4-6 would create a better quality of life in game, and probably increase the purchases.
  • Can we get a compensation for having to read posts by people who capitalize the first letter of every word?
    in Compensation Kommentar von Pony_boy August 2019
  • Yeah I regret using this. I’m not surprised to be Kabamed again.
  • Come on guys this is how Kabam does it. They make a big change to something and don’t tell people they did. We all knew the Mini Bosses would rotate, but after countless runs in AQ they change up the other champions. It is almost as if Kabam doesn’t like their customers. Hrmmmm
    in Map 5 Changes Kommentar von Pony_boy Juli 2019
  • No need to buff DS. Just return him to his former glory pre-12.0. I’m still sore over how they promoted spending for him then nerfed him weeks later. The ol bait and switch.
  • Nope you’re being condescending and rude.
  • Thanks for “mansplaning” how random works in a game of chance...
  • People are upset at the lack of consistency with the game. And the term “random” gets thrown around too much as a catch all answer for everything. Didn’t get a champ you like... random, events not popping up...random, champions bugged...random, not enjoying the game...random. It has been almost 1 week since a level up…
  • Strategic planning and preparation. Without that precious materials and resources go to waste, and Kabam already limits access, why short yourself?
  • It actually adds on days for the deal and not replaces the last few days.
  • Gotta get even with the Socs.
  • I agree so much with this. I would delete the game and post negative reviews on every gaming site on the interwebs. I even hate the stupid pop ups that are constant in the game. I don’t want or need to purchase an overpriced deal when I open a crystal or complete a daily class cat EQ. I would actually pay a monthly…
  • I think that would be great and allow people to remove their unintentional or intentional bias for a bit. However some people post with a certain tone; be it condescending, or full of a lot of words with no point behind them, so they would be easy to identify. Or others like the point DNA3000 made would be harder to…
  • Yep a community made of keyboard warriors and snarky mods I would rather go back to XBOX Live.
  • i’m still sore at being swindled out of $100 only to have DS nerfed 2 months later. I almost quit right then.
  • I hope you realize this is meant mostly as a joke. But yes there is some seriousness behind it. Every time there are deals like this the forum is flooded with people who can’t seem to use their search bar to find out information. Also coming to ask would be ok but creating a new post is asinine. Along with that 99% of all…
    in July 4th Deals Kommentar von Pony_boy Juli 2019
  • Another outdated aspect of MCoC, brought to you by the, behind the times developer Kabam.