Shadowstrike ★★★★★
That wasn't on the list of bug fixes for the patch notes. It's been reported that it's still on the radar
Happens to all of us. You'll get there.
He just needs a numbers bump, maybe a tweak to his kit, but nothing like the OG Iron Man rework. Plus he has unique animations. OG Iron Man and Sup Iron Man were basically reskins.
That is what Marvel Realm of Champions was and in the end, it didn't work.
Wouldn't mind if she was in the crystal as long as she also got an update in her kit so she has the same immunities like Ant-Man and Cassie.
They plan their events, story lines and champions months in advance. So the earliest you would see these characters if they get chosen would probably be a year from now.
As was I. People were soooo focused on straight damage that they slept on the long term potential of White Mags.
The only overhype I think he has is the fact that people really wanted him in the game. There was definitely a vocal contingent that wanted him to be game breaking but they also want every new champ to be more game breaking than the previous one released. With the exception of maybe Rich the man, people just wanted him in…
Cuz they've been spoiled by Hercules and Hyperion. They want someone who requires minimal effort and high damage output.
That was the old way but people complained that older Champions who needed major reworks weren't getting the attention they deserved. So they changed it to this Cadence which is now once a Saga (AKA once every 3 months). That way, they can actually put that time into reworking an older champion who needs it like the soon…
He's a ramp up champ, so as clichéd as it sounds, to use him effectively, you'll have to get good with him.
Uncollected was at one time the prominent progression title. But as time has passed and they've added more titles, it's no longer an unattainable dream. Especially now since they changed the requirements to progress even further without having to defeat certain content. As someone who was Uncollected for quite a while, I…
Sometime DURING this Saga. Not minute one on day one of the new saga.
No, I think it's just throwing out a tease for later. Right now the consensus is another summer camp event where we'll get Beta Ray Bill sometime by fall.
.... Tell me you DON'T know comic characters without telling me you don't know comic characters.
Pretty sure commenters like yourself are the reason that she ran off and never looked back.
And once again you and that very vocal contingent will show you're inability to deal and move on. Reddit already had their conversations and I expect the same here shortly.
We all know you'll promise to walk it, and then who ends up taking it out? Just admit you're not ready for the responsibility.
I'll never complain about a potential numbers bump but often times, you can tell if someone's not familiar with the appropriate playstyle of a champion but how much they want a rework. Not everyone is supposed to be a straightforward damage dealer like Doom or Hyperion.
Nah. Every time people say he "needs a buff", all they ever mean is a copy and paste of Weapon X's kit. They're SUPPOSED to be at two different points in their life, so the kits reflect that. I'd rather they'd update his synergies to include most damage potential. Plus, I really don't want them to mess with the…
*It's only possible during an eclipse when both of you are dancing around in opposite directions in a circle while balancing eggs on your head. Only then will the window be open for you to trade champions. * = that is a joke, please do not do that. Since that request comes up once in a blue moon, allow me to just go ahead…
They announced back in April that the rebalance schedule is going to change again so I would suggest rereading that one to understand how they're doing the layout now.
But they've already explained in depth on the live streams that if they were to do it that way where Arenas or incursions or Battlegrounds or any other specific piece of content was the official One-Stop shop for everything you needed, there'd be no reason for anyone to play any of the other content and that's not really…
YOU don't like arenas. I hate Incursions and Battlegrounds. Half my team hate doing side quests and the other half hate doing story mode and others in the forums hate alliance events... By your argument about removing arenas, if we all removed the content we hate, there'd be nothing but a screen that says we automatically…
Honestly, if you keep opening basics, it'll be harder to get him. Stay focused on dual class crystals. Also in the grand tradition of joke answers: It's because Jesus knows what you do at night!
So first off: 1) He's technically a trophy champ, so he's not considered a priority for a buff. 2) Considering how the DPX buff went, I'm not looking forward to how his buff would work. This leads to the big issue.. 3) His regeneration is really potent, and much like Wolverine classic, their niche is to tank a lot of hits…
Jackson, you need to put up a banner ASAP
It might be creepy to you but this is how they track on how Champs are doing in the game. It's through this data collection that they find out whether a champ is popular, where they shine, where they struggle, whether or not they're bugged, Etc. It's literally how they determine whether or not a new Champion needs to be…
I think the only time I ever considered ranking down anybody was when they nerfed Kraven the Hunter but looking at the stuff that happened with Zemo and now with Shocker, to me they don't really feel like issues. But I have to be honest, I never used a specific play style like people were doing with Zemo or relied heavily…
Eventually everyone 🤞