Talveran ★
If you have Quake at a reasonable star and rank, she can wreck his day. Doubly so if she's duped.
Yeah, you're right, I forgot about that! ...greed....[/quote] Which is hilarious when you consider that they'd make more money by actually having reasonable prices. I'd drop 20 bucks on a guaranteed 5* Stark Spidey or Quake without hesitation.
I'm of the opinion that you should only save something to use on another character when you're guaranteed to get that character. This game has no such guarantees. That said, don't waste it on Voodoo, you have multiple better options.
Anyone who plays mobile games without a charger for longer than it takes to poop deserve the dead battery.
Did you even read his post? When he does that, he gets reset to level 1. @TC, you don't have to uninstall to get back to your account. Just go to Settings> Login Options > Log out > Log back in with Google Play
Just want to point out that Stark Spidey wasn't used in IW, that was Iron Spider.
I participate in AW and Map 4 AQ all the time and I haven't even cleared Act 4 yet. I don't consider myself way behind in the game. Agreed with opinions that you being made an officer was a mistake. My heart goes out to your alliance.
Just want to point out that one of the forum rules is not calling out other players or alliances for cheating and that's exactly what your post is doing.
Because there's no point to increasing the level cap besides increasing energy. This is one of those few games where the account level means jack all because each character gets leveled independently. And they won't increase energy because they want people to spend money on units. And once you get all your masteries,…
No offense, but that idea sounds pretty dumb. It's already a mission to level up by the mid-40s. We'd be much better off if they added a daily gold dungeon to go with the catalyst dungeons.
Because there's so much damage to be done by knowing someone's birthday, amirite?
The problem with these infinite win streaks is that you need a large roster of upgraded champs. If you only have enough to fill 3-4 squads, you'd never do better than you already are since you'd be spending most of the arena time waiting on the stamina to refresh.
That doesn't change the fact that it'd be as simple to get FF as it was the mutants. Fox only owns the MOVIE rights. Not the entire IP. Kabam just needs to reach out to Marvel and ask.
I think a better idea would be class specific 4/5/6* crystals. That way it'd still depend on luck, but we could tilt the odds. God knows I'd love to have a 4 star or higher Mystic champ to round out my roster lol
Kabam, it is best if you comply. Compliance will be rewarded.
On the other hand, adding X to anything automatically makes it sound cooler.
That's like asking why a game runs better on a brand new Mac than it does a 10 year old Windows. Every generation of iPhone has the same specs across the board. Androids are all different. Do you even technogeek?
So do you, considering that was sarcasm, not irony.
If you mean here on the forum, you literally just tap your account name and then change picture. If you mean in-game, it defaults to your champ with the highest hero rating and can't be changed, afaik.
And it's entirely unheard of for people to have differing experiences, isn't it? Regardless, whether you believe me or not isn't the issue. I'm not the only one who's noticed that AI has the capability to use a special without using all their stored power.
I mean, if you're willing to drop 20 bucks to be able to gift in the first place, I say you've earned that exploit...
/implying that being blessed by RNGesus counts as "earning."
I'll admit to being unfamiliar with most of the comics pre-2000, but aren't Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel 2 entirely separate characters? One's a kree, the other stretches.
Kabam could just follow the example of other energy dependent games and have the occasional 24-48 hour "no energy cost" periods.
I would like both participants of a fight to be on a level playing field. Not in my experience. Happens in the arenas all the time.
Dialogue in event quests. The Ragnarok event had Hulk throw out a nice line to Loki as a nod to Avengers. "I'm glad puny god can still walk."
Hyperion, because there are more bleed immune champs than incinerate immune. Plus a dashing heavy. Comes with the downside of needing a battle to last over a minute to be able to regenerate, but Hyperion's so tough that it doesn't really matter.