jdschw ★★★
Isn't an MD a medical doctorate? @DNA3000 I'm jealous of the view out your window. When I look out my window, I can see a huge skyscraper that's been sinking and tilting for about a decade.
You're not a coward, @startropics . You just don't enjoy the competitive mode, and you're wise enough not to waste your recreational time playing a mode you don't enjoy. This is your free time, not your 2nd job. There are many many others like you (including me).
How does serpent handle heimdall's unstoppable? The fear debuff doesn't do anything about that, does it?
Wow. Three revives. That's absolutely nuts. Where did you get so many potions? I've got a good stash of revives but always hurting for potions. Did you buy them in a deal? Farming spot? Or just saving the dailies?
I don't think neutralize triggers this behavior. Nullify does, but many mystics also have access to power control. For example, Doom could nullify his armor breaks and then steal the power gained.
Mystics. Nullify/neutralize.
I don't know if this is related, but for me, WBN's howl is *always* muted, i.e. i just don't get that sound effect. To me, it sorta just looks like he's taking a stretch break during the fight.
Sorry, i voted for him too. Based on past experience, this means it will be Mr. Knight ftl...
This thread is blowing my mind. We have a collection of players making ridiculous assumptions about the entire playerbase by erroneously generalizing their individual experience. Even worse, those players are scolding a game developer who can see the data and insisting that he must be mistaken or lying. This right here is…
I had the same problem. Clearing my phone cache and restarting the app resolved it, at least long enough for me to fight him again. But it did cost me a revive.
Ah, shoot. You're right, my bad. Well, it *does* work in the other direction (hard -> normal), which is how i did it before i thought of the idea. Sorry for the bad advice, all! Thanks for the quick correction!
You don't even need to bother with the heavy counter. She does enough damage to end most fights quickly anyway. And tons of utility. Just play normally and you'll inflict more bleeds instead of refreshing old ones.
Yes, i have this problem as well. I made a thread about it in the bugs section but didn't get much action on it.
I can't get 6* cgr. I had my shot, too...he came in a nexus crystal alongside Serpent. I took serpent, awakened him, ranked him up, ascended him, and promptly pulled 7* serpent. Haven't seen hide nor hair of CGR before or since.
It happened to me on Serpent. Not that I'm complaining, but when I first got him as a 6*, it was a nexus crystal with CGR as an option, and I have never seen another CGR before or since. I took the 6* Serpent, and then like 3 days later, got the 7* version of him, and duped him only a couple days later. Again...not that…
OS is very good, and she's not hard to play...she's just hard to reach max damage because her debuffs fall off quickly. But for questing, that detail really doesn't matter. As a questing champ, OS is amazing because she turns all the biohazard-style nodes (ones that give you bleed and poison on hit) from health drains into…
I think the next rarity should be called Champion 360. And the one after that should be called Champion One. And the one after that should be called Champion Series S. You know, just to make sure nobody can keep them straight or remember which one is newer. That's the ticket.
You might consider using a mystic. Sentinel is not immune to nullify, stagger, or neutralize. Galan also comes to mind.
Huge damage potential which is pegged to his base attack, meaning you can only scale it up by ranking him up. He also has some really nice immunities that shut down several excellent tech defenders, like Warlock and Peni.
Chee'ilth absolutely deserves it, and is a good 2-way champ with those bleeds thru block on defense. Shang Chi is a monster attacker with some utility via the slow. Black Cat is an awesome attacker who can completely shut down champs that aren't AAR-immune. Three great options. And by the way, Mantis is a nuke, Elsa is a…
I literally just opened up the in-game rank up store to get the free daily gift, and saw this offer, and did a double take. Um...what??????? For how much???? So, of course, I immediately went to the forums to understand what the heck happened here. Let me say, as somebody who happened upon this offer with zero context, the…
There are many preexisting threads discussing this issue, including an official one from Kabam. Please scan the forums before creating more threads about existing issues like this.
I speak for everyone when I say I am [pleased | indifferent | furious] about this change.
I am a valiant and i believe I've done all AoA objectives so far, and I'm at 17.
Awesome, @DNA3000 ! Thank you! Also, thanks for the explanation on defensive vs. offensive AAR. I didn't specifically ask for that here, but I have been confused about that on several occasions as well, so you saved me a post! Regarding my original question: if it's a useful datapoint for discussion, when fighting King…
But domino's sig doesn't say anything about defensive or offensive abilities. It just says "Opponents take damage whenever their abilities fail to trigger."
Titania also handled it very well for me. Full disclosure, I frickin LOVE titania and use her all the time and have her 7r3, but i think i did it with a single revive. Of course, none of this advice helps if you're already at the fight.
Yeah, I missed Kindred, he's a great BGs defender too
You need lots more options. I usually ban the highest ranked champs they have which are not in my deck.
Sassy: great BGs all-rounder. Juggs: BGs nuke. Rintrah: fantastic questing, nukes some cosmics, decent BGs defense Enchantress. Basically broken on BGs defense if her AI acts up. I hate her, but she's great.