My Violent and Merciless Deathless Necropolis run

Well, here we are. The culmination of a year and a bit worth of tough EOP objectives, annoying BG seasons, and other forms of grinding. Time for the deathless Necropolis full path!
As always, usual disclaimer that I won't go too into detail into necropolis nodes and fights unless there's something special. Got a lot of necropolis guides posted if you guys want to check them out!
VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: You need ALL 5 of the deathless characters AS 7* to get the objective. If you have the 6* on your team, you won't get the objective (though I do reckon they can definitely clear out some lanes if you plan on going in for exploration runs and whatnot).
The Squad (as if we even have a choice lol):
7* R2 sig 20 deathless guilly with 5* ghost rider relic
7* R2 sig 20 deathless KG with 4* gamora relic
7* R2 sig 20 deathless vision with 6* vision relic
7* R2 sig 20 deathless she hulk with 6* ant man relic
7* R2 unduped deathless thanos with 5* thor relic
The Stash:
1633 units
24 L1 revives
28 L2 revives
11 team revives
Whole bunch of L3, L4 and L5 potions (I had max stacks of each plus a bunch of L3 and L4 potions in the stash)
390 free crystals
Same as always, no suicides, had max despair for she hulk. Ran the big hour-long boosters once I jumped in and then I realized I didn't really need them that much, so I ran it unboosted after Captain Britain.
Journey to the Grandmaster (I went for Titania/Apoc this run):
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one isn't bad, whenever you parry you get tranquilize. She hulk completely ignores this thanks to the Thanos synergy which prevents her debuff AA from being reduced except against skill characters. For everyone else, try not to parry too much and you'll be good.
Titania is very easy with she hulk. Start the fight with a heavy so you can turn off the unblockable from Titania's haymaker, and make sure the fear debuff is active when the haymaker is about to come back. If you punish heavy or special attacks, she hulk also gets the grit buff which allows her to ignore the unstoppable as well which is great. In terms of rotation, I went for 1 sp3 to get the 20% increased trauma duration, then spammed sp2 while keeping the trauma debuffs up at all times (I did this for every single she hulk fight). Clean solo here.
Aarkus was a deathless guilly fight, rotation is arguably even easier than the previous fight. You basically want to spam your sp1 to nullify Aarkus' power gain buffs and inflict the neutralize to prevent the buffs from coming back. Try not to parry as the tranquilize from the trap node can reduce your degen AA. Try to bait sp1, though it's okay if you eat a sp2 into block as you can just heal it back up via the dupe. Stack your degens and you'll melt this guy. Another easy solo.
Omega Sentinel was a bit trickier, but still not bad with thanos. Build your necrotic energy and try to armor shatter asap to prevent Omega Sentinel's armor ups and auto block. Spam sp1 at first to build your fury buffs, then start spamming sp3 while keeping everything paused via your counterpunch. First 60% is very easy, however after that OS goes armor break immune whenever either character blocks a hit, which removes your armor shatter and leaves you vulnerable to the auto block. If you do lose your armor shatter, spam heavy attacks to keep the armor ups under control and try to get it back again. Managed to take off 93% first try with thanos, then finished the rest with king groot.
Air walker was very easy with she hulk. Make sure you block the last hit of his specials to prevent the fun and interactive damage, aside from that just knock him down frequently and you'll be good. Easy solo here.
Captain Britain is another easy one with she hulk. Watch the exhaustion debuffs on you as Captain Britain will invert your controls upon throwing a special if the debuffs are active. Got another solo here.
DISCLAIMER: When I did my run, Captain Britain was bugged so that she didn't purify the exhaustions, which in turn meant no reverse controls. This made the fight incredibly easy, however once that gets fixed it shouldn't make things that much harder as long as you pay attention.
Wiccan is easy provided you have the right strategy with she hulk. Wiccan's neutralize can fail your grit buff when punishing heavy and special attacks, which in turn causes you to take a lot of incinerate damage. Do not parry at all, and try to knock Wiccan down when he cycles to the dormant incinerate or neutralize spell otherwise you'll be in a bit of trouble (relics help loads with this). 1 revive as I didn't do it right the first time and got burned to death.
Psycho man is very easy. Use thanos, complete the prompts, watch his control box phases, and you'll be good. Spent a revive here to bring thanos back, then soloed this one.
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one's fairly easy. Whenever the defender dashes towards you, they go indestructible for a couple of seconds. Stay aggressive and stay close and this one shouldn't be too bad, though it will probably add some time to your fights.
Apoc is probably the hardest fight on the path. He gets one of his genetic code every 20 seconds, which eventually makes him parry immune and allows his light attacks to stun you through block. On top of that, his specials deal a lot of block damage that adds up very fast if you aren't careful. Thanos is very clutch here as the counterpunch charges give you easy openings while also pausing your effects. Ramp your furies and armor shatter, spam sp3 for the permanent corrosion, and you can deal some mean damage here. Dropped 1 revive here as I died due to block damage.
Tigra is a joke of a fight, only real thing to worry about is that her blue sense causes your light attacks to miss. She hulk's fear debuff counters miss so as long as you keep it up all the time you'll be good. Easy solo here with she hulk.
Herc is a bit of a long one, you basically just need to manage his protection stacks and remove them. I used guilly for this one and never used specials just to minimize the amount of protection he was getting. The infuriate can also reduce your degen chance, so stay aggressive and you'll be good. 1 revive spent here.
Sam wilson was very easy with she hulk, though make sure you only use sp3 or else he'll auto block and wreck you. Got another solo here.
Dragon man was also very easy with she hulk, mind the stun immunity and make sure you block the sp1 to remove the power charge and get some willpower healing via the ineptitude. Got a solo here as well.
Beardo was also nothing special with she hulk, though do watch out for the skill phase of his node as he can purify your parry and trauma debuffs if he has kinetic potential. Another solo with she hulk.
Nova is a bit trickier with she hulk because of his power gain and tougher specials to dex, but it isn't too bad once you get into it. Mind his nova charges and make sure you back off every now and then to refresh his timer. Got a solo here as well, though it was very close since I got hit near the end.
And lastly, the Grandmaster. Nothing new here. Got an insane first try with KG and cleared off the first three phases, then vision finished the rest as thanos gives him reverse control immunity, no revives spent here.
And that was it! My cheapest necro challenge yet (tied with Carina's Challengers), and it was for clearing a full path too! An insane end to this year-long chase!
The Final Cost:
3 L2 revives
Way too many potions
Not a single free crystal this time (yay!)
A set of hour-long boosters, as previously mentioned I ran the rest of the fights unboosted, including GM.
The Rewards:
Got 2 7* crystals to open, pulled warlock and spider punk. Very good.
Chose the maestro dupe from the selector since I don't have a gem for him and we probably won't see another maestro dupe opportunity for a while.
Threw some of my deathless sig stones into my freshly awakened deathless thanos, he's currently sig 100 and I still have 65 left but I'm not sure if the other deathless champs need them.
Final Thoughts and Tips:
1. As you could probably tell, she hulk, thanos and guilly carried the run, which meant that KG and vision didn't see too much action outside of grandmaster. If you plan on ranking up champs in preparation for this, focus on the aforementioned 3 MVPs, you can bring the others in even at R1
2. In terms of difficulty, this one is probably the easiest challenge out of the previous necropolis ones, even compared to the mutant and god challenges. This team was made for the necropolis and absolutely destroyed so many fights in here.
3. Normally I would say BOOST, but this team is so good for necropolis you can probably run this unboosted if you have them at R2 or higher. If you want to do this with R1 champs, definitely do boost up though.
4. Regarding the golden deadpooloids, make sure that guillotine takes them. Thanos and she hulk have so much damage that they can just nuke fights easily without the bonus attack, however guilly will take any boost needed to get through tougher fights like herc.
And just like that, the deathless chase is over (for now)! Gonna smash out the AOA gauntlet next week and then it's back to hibernation for me.
Cheers, and as always, hope this helped y'all!
As always, usual disclaimer that I won't go too into detail into necropolis nodes and fights unless there's something special. Got a lot of necropolis guides posted if you guys want to check them out!
VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: You need ALL 5 of the deathless characters AS 7* to get the objective. If you have the 6* on your team, you won't get the objective (though I do reckon they can definitely clear out some lanes if you plan on going in for exploration runs and whatnot).
The Squad (as if we even have a choice lol):
7* R2 sig 20 deathless guilly with 5* ghost rider relic
7* R2 sig 20 deathless KG with 4* gamora relic
7* R2 sig 20 deathless vision with 6* vision relic
7* R2 sig 20 deathless she hulk with 6* ant man relic
7* R2 unduped deathless thanos with 5* thor relic
The Stash:
1633 units
24 L1 revives
28 L2 revives
11 team revives
Whole bunch of L3, L4 and L5 potions (I had max stacks of each plus a bunch of L3 and L4 potions in the stash)
390 free crystals
Same as always, no suicides, had max despair for she hulk. Ran the big hour-long boosters once I jumped in and then I realized I didn't really need them that much, so I ran it unboosted after Captain Britain.
Journey to the Grandmaster (I went for Titania/Apoc this run):
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one isn't bad, whenever you parry you get tranquilize. She hulk completely ignores this thanks to the Thanos synergy which prevents her debuff AA from being reduced except against skill characters. For everyone else, try not to parry too much and you'll be good.
Titania is very easy with she hulk. Start the fight with a heavy so you can turn off the unblockable from Titania's haymaker, and make sure the fear debuff is active when the haymaker is about to come back. If you punish heavy or special attacks, she hulk also gets the grit buff which allows her to ignore the unstoppable as well which is great. In terms of rotation, I went for 1 sp3 to get the 20% increased trauma duration, then spammed sp2 while keeping the trauma debuffs up at all times (I did this for every single she hulk fight). Clean solo here.
Aarkus was a deathless guilly fight, rotation is arguably even easier than the previous fight. You basically want to spam your sp1 to nullify Aarkus' power gain buffs and inflict the neutralize to prevent the buffs from coming back. Try not to parry as the tranquilize from the trap node can reduce your degen AA. Try to bait sp1, though it's okay if you eat a sp2 into block as you can just heal it back up via the dupe. Stack your degens and you'll melt this guy. Another easy solo.
Omega Sentinel was a bit trickier, but still not bad with thanos. Build your necrotic energy and try to armor shatter asap to prevent Omega Sentinel's armor ups and auto block. Spam sp1 at first to build your fury buffs, then start spamming sp3 while keeping everything paused via your counterpunch. First 60% is very easy, however after that OS goes armor break immune whenever either character blocks a hit, which removes your armor shatter and leaves you vulnerable to the auto block. If you do lose your armor shatter, spam heavy attacks to keep the armor ups under control and try to get it back again. Managed to take off 93% first try with thanos, then finished the rest with king groot.
Air walker was very easy with she hulk. Make sure you block the last hit of his specials to prevent the fun and interactive damage, aside from that just knock him down frequently and you'll be good. Easy solo here.
Captain Britain is another easy one with she hulk. Watch the exhaustion debuffs on you as Captain Britain will invert your controls upon throwing a special if the debuffs are active. Got another solo here.
DISCLAIMER: When I did my run, Captain Britain was bugged so that she didn't purify the exhaustions, which in turn meant no reverse controls. This made the fight incredibly easy, however once that gets fixed it shouldn't make things that much harder as long as you pay attention.
Wiccan is easy provided you have the right strategy with she hulk. Wiccan's neutralize can fail your grit buff when punishing heavy and special attacks, which in turn causes you to take a lot of incinerate damage. Do not parry at all, and try to knock Wiccan down when he cycles to the dormant incinerate or neutralize spell otherwise you'll be in a bit of trouble (relics help loads with this). 1 revive as I didn't do it right the first time and got burned to death.
Psycho man is very easy. Use thanos, complete the prompts, watch his control box phases, and you'll be good. Spent a revive here to bring thanos back, then soloed this one.
TRAP NODE ALERT: This one's fairly easy. Whenever the defender dashes towards you, they go indestructible for a couple of seconds. Stay aggressive and stay close and this one shouldn't be too bad, though it will probably add some time to your fights.
Apoc is probably the hardest fight on the path. He gets one of his genetic code every 20 seconds, which eventually makes him parry immune and allows his light attacks to stun you through block. On top of that, his specials deal a lot of block damage that adds up very fast if you aren't careful. Thanos is very clutch here as the counterpunch charges give you easy openings while also pausing your effects. Ramp your furies and armor shatter, spam sp3 for the permanent corrosion, and you can deal some mean damage here. Dropped 1 revive here as I died due to block damage.
Tigra is a joke of a fight, only real thing to worry about is that her blue sense causes your light attacks to miss. She hulk's fear debuff counters miss so as long as you keep it up all the time you'll be good. Easy solo here with she hulk.
Herc is a bit of a long one, you basically just need to manage his protection stacks and remove them. I used guilly for this one and never used specials just to minimize the amount of protection he was getting. The infuriate can also reduce your degen chance, so stay aggressive and you'll be good. 1 revive spent here.
Sam wilson was very easy with she hulk, though make sure you only use sp3 or else he'll auto block and wreck you. Got another solo here.
Dragon man was also very easy with she hulk, mind the stun immunity and make sure you block the sp1 to remove the power charge and get some willpower healing via the ineptitude. Got a solo here as well.
Beardo was also nothing special with she hulk, though do watch out for the skill phase of his node as he can purify your parry and trauma debuffs if he has kinetic potential. Another solo with she hulk.
Nova is a bit trickier with she hulk because of his power gain and tougher specials to dex, but it isn't too bad once you get into it. Mind his nova charges and make sure you back off every now and then to refresh his timer. Got a solo here as well, though it was very close since I got hit near the end.
And lastly, the Grandmaster. Nothing new here. Got an insane first try with KG and cleared off the first three phases, then vision finished the rest as thanos gives him reverse control immunity, no revives spent here.
And that was it! My cheapest necro challenge yet (tied with Carina's Challengers), and it was for clearing a full path too! An insane end to this year-long chase!
The Final Cost:
3 L2 revives
Way too many potions
Not a single free crystal this time (yay!)
A set of hour-long boosters, as previously mentioned I ran the rest of the fights unboosted, including GM.
The Rewards:
Got 2 7* crystals to open, pulled warlock and spider punk. Very good.
Chose the maestro dupe from the selector since I don't have a gem for him and we probably won't see another maestro dupe opportunity for a while.
Threw some of my deathless sig stones into my freshly awakened deathless thanos, he's currently sig 100 and I still have 65 left but I'm not sure if the other deathless champs need them.
Final Thoughts and Tips:
1. As you could probably tell, she hulk, thanos and guilly carried the run, which meant that KG and vision didn't see too much action outside of grandmaster. If you plan on ranking up champs in preparation for this, focus on the aforementioned 3 MVPs, you can bring the others in even at R1
2. In terms of difficulty, this one is probably the easiest challenge out of the previous necropolis ones, even compared to the mutant and god challenges. This team was made for the necropolis and absolutely destroyed so many fights in here.
3. Normally I would say BOOST, but this team is so good for necropolis you can probably run this unboosted if you have them at R2 or higher. If you want to do this with R1 champs, definitely do boost up though.
4. Regarding the golden deadpooloids, make sure that guillotine takes them. Thanos and she hulk have so much damage that they can just nuke fights easily without the bonus attack, however guilly will take any boost needed to get through tougher fights like herc.
And just like that, the deathless chase is over (for now)! Gonna smash out the AOA gauntlet next week and then it's back to hibernation for me.
Cheers, and as always, hope this helped y'all!
Where did you get so many potions? I've got a good stash of revives but always hurting for potions. Did you buy them in a deal? Farming spot? Or just saving the dailies?
Should I take guardian path instead? Only headache is valkyrie there, which division can handle. I hate fighting apoc and herc.