roastedbagel ★★★
I swear if you told me I could bet a large amount of money on if anyone read the full ToS of the game, and that if the answer is "yes" that I can quadruple my money if I guessed a player who's done so - I'd have written "DNA" on the entry form. I feel like I deserve to win something for this thought that can never and will…
I'm about to break the 4th wall because this type of toxicity from this ultra-super-Karen of an OP, sometimes just needs to face reality and not be coddled any longer, otherwise they'll never be humbled and will continue these misguided entitlement-seeking, gross display of validation deprivation everywhere they go. Ha!…
You keep saying "I just wanted to give feedback", however you've sent an astonishing 65+ messages to modmail within a few minutes berating the (volunteer, non-kabam employed) mods to explain why you were timed out. Feedback is just that - feedback. It's a 1 way conversation where you give your feedback, and it's…
Someone doesn't read or look a what the rewards are in the pre fight screen lol
Sorry but you keep saying "we" as if you're speaking for everyone - and if this thread is used as a sample size, it actually tells us you're in the minority. Certainly aren't speaking for me and I'm not Valiant yet but feel I can do all content if wanting to. BGs are fine too. Perhaps change up your…
I mean technically that could be due to the fact that your cycle-buddy played the best and boosted you with the most charges thus giving you the greatest attack boost 🙂
So you haven't even tried it in recent times yet had the gumption to create a whole new post and title it confidently with phrases that sow discord like "hidden update"? Stuff like this only helps to erode the health of the overall sentiments and temperature towards the devs, would love to see the knee-jerk reactionary…
Or maybe you come off as slightly annoying when you've never experienced even a sliver of adversity or struggle in your entire life over something you were born into but yet you wanna preach from the rooftops and project to everyone else why representation "is pointless/meaningless"..... The sheer lack of awareness is…
I'm gonna venture a guess and say there was 100% focused intent on *not* replicating immortality in any way that remotely resembles what Hercules has... If you're unclear as to why that may be, just take a look at every other video when new end game content drops and there's nothing but videos showing Hercules stomping…
Same here, although I wasn't asking for information I could readily find on my own - but rather was having support simply create me a hand-written curated list (fountain pen, indigo ink) of every alliance member's fights for the week highlighting their aggregated win:loss ratio grouped by attacker and opponent, in sankey…
The comparison doesn't track for me - unless you're claiming that cheaters/modders are physically ruining your own in-game account? How is that possible? If that's the case definitely submit a ticket. Now, what *does* align is cheaters/modders steal from your bank everyday, and the bank deals with them accordingly. Sorta…
I don't think that's how it was intended to exist though... Also, how many arenas does it take to get 1200 units (30 revives if going off the Carina comparison)? Is it really that much longer than 30 runs of the map? (I'm not arguing this point, I genuinely don't know and am honestly curious on those numbers)
Lemme preface by saying I'm indifferent to the outcome since I was never a grind-y type so never took advantage... I definitely understand and acknowledge both sides of this coin. However there's a sentence in that message that proactively addresses what my biggest concern was while initially digesting the info: That's not…
I'd argue the entire system was undervalued 5 years ago when anyone could get it barring you had an iPhone, Corvus, and 4 hours. And the people who deserved to be upset about it were the ones doing the actual skilled work of finishing running the latest everests. Ater Corvus came out, recruiting people for AW focused…
For you, but maybe not the tens of thousands of players who are still beginning their journey, fostering their skills, growing their roster, etc. We have to remind ourselves that us end-game players aren't the only players playing the game (or spending lots of money). I'd also argue they've created way more content for…
Looks like almost everyone gets to! 👍
I took 1* DP (also had massacre on the team) in and lost the fight, nothing happen. I'm gonna bring venom and let him defeat me too.
Tried bringing just one champ, nothing different unfortunately
But it's fun for us and gives us something to do 😊
Yea I lost to him, nothing. I'm beginning to wonder what would happen if we went in with just one champ since he references us having a whole team In a couple messages.
Sentinel L3 (and killing him with it) didn't yield anything...
I had 3500 Intel saved for the chronometer thing on reserve but im gonna just dive in and buy tickets to enter, I'll try Sentinel.
So I too love this type of stuff, riddles/Easter eggs/etc. I'm stuck on the 'break him into pieces' thing. Who has that as part of their animation? It's gotta be something that *majority* of player base has or can do...
Happen to our alliance as well.
Taking Captain Marvel Movie to R4 immediately. I don't like her play style at all and she sits on the bench. Yes I know how affective she can be, it just doesn't jive with how I play. Taking 25 blocks or 12 parries isn't my jam. I'll stick with ghost.
If you fall I will catch you I'll be waiting....
Ghost users rejoice everywhere 😁
Exactly! No more "once they're out they're out" like it has been the last 4 years. No more "maw" situations...Champ gets released, they see clearly that the champ needs some rework in order to be viable, 3 months later we can assume that will happen. Doesn't mean he'll be OP all of a sudden, but he'll at least be…