
  • I finally found Stryfe this Cyberweekend, also took him to rank 3, would of used a generic on him if i had to. Super solid champ and fits very nicely with Apoc
  • I also have the entire run recorded
  • Is it more than a “few hours” behind i completed a run of 00:06:58 yesterday, no hits taken. With that I should be in a tiebreaker for first place (america).
  • Probably not. . . You CAN spend hundreds of dollars on an Abyss Legends run. You CANT ask for an approximation as to when the legends list will be released after kabam couldn’t uphold their own projects timeline. @"Kabam Miike" CAN shut down a thread due to his own lack of reading comprehension and restate the same…
  • Asking for an updated timeline isn’t the same as asking them to rush out rewards.
  • First off, the question wasn’t directed to you, but sure you can chime in. “When they are ready” is immeasurable. Would it benefit me, yes. Would it benefit others, yes. By osmosis alone that means it also benefits Kabam as a company. Secondly, if I recall correctly; Kabam stated they wished to be more transparent with the…
  • It’s understood that continually bumping this thread will not get the information faster. How about some insight on the current timeline as to when the information will be released, since it’s obviously been pushed back since the initial timeline release. Another week? Two weeks? A month? A year? The answer doesn't matter…
  • Yeah I get yah ;) Not a fan of the "enrage timer" either. It's forced spending, as in: at minimum you're forcing unit farming as a requirement from the start (ie arena), at maximum purchasing units. I wouldn't call AoL easy, I also wouldn't call it "difficult", although I did call it mediocre. In terms of end game content…
  • I agree there's a difference between lofty expectations and just being easy. I also agree Luke Cage is a much "harder" fight with Aegon vs using Stealthy. I don't think the length of the fight plays a major role in the difficulty of it, does it add a little . . .. maybe. I equate it to beating ROL Winter Soldier with a 3*…
  • Luke Cage is a pretty straight forward fight, I used Stealthy all 3 times I fought him. It's definitely a long fight but there are more difficult fights spread through the contest imo 6.2 The Champion (boss) is something I'd consider a difficult fight. You have the ability to solo the fight with a variety of champs as…
  • I disagree with your disagreement to his opinion entirely. ;) A requirement to revive ad nauseam does not mean it's difficult at all. You're allotted an amount of hits/blocked hits in a fight before kabams rules state the fight is over because you've met the quota of hits given or taken. Outside of a select few fights, the…
  • @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Porthos" The Longshot FGMCS are missing today?
  • Unless you have a secret way to bait heavy attacks consistently from the AI (key word consistently), then yes, you take damage. Parrying, blocking, etc all requires taking damage. SMH I didn't say anything more that Healblock was a common node, because it is. Anytime Healblock, reduced regen, and or regen reversal exist…
  • How do you apply Degen? Heavy attack, which typically requires taking damage. Healblock is not an “uncommon” node, lol there are paths in AQ that “commonly” have it. Its a pretty “common” boss node. . . Omega cannot heal any recoil damage from SP1. First off, he cant heal any of the damage since recoil happens after the…
  • Both champs don't recoup all damage lost from recoil on SP1 so its a moot point. The scenario you put was in a “ideal” fight. The scenarios I stated dictate how feasible it is to regain health, since your spore count determines how much health you recover. There are waaaaaaaaay more variables at play when playing Omega,…
  • In an ideal fight with no outside variables or debuffs that would be correct. I could say the same thing in reverse: What if you're using Omega and its Stun Immune? Healblock? What if your spores fall off? What if you cant build to an SP3? etc. Ghost will be the better option in the vast majority of scenarios over Omega.…
  • That is correct in an ideal fight with no outside variables from nodes or other debuffs. I could say the same thing in reverse: What if you’re using Omega and the fight ends before you can build to an SP3? What if your spores fall off? What if there is Heal block? What if its stun immune? They are far more scenarios where…
  • Actually you can heal most of the recoil damage back from SP1 and all of the recoil damage sustained during the fight with an SP3 using Omega Again, Ghost can mitigate all health lost from suicide masteries, Omega cannot unless its a relatively short fight (no need for an additional death field). Ghost: Higher DPS, no…
  • You would have been better off if you’d left it at your previous response. Precisely how does Omega deal with Recoil better than Ghost? In the sense the he takes recoil damage and Ghost doesn't, so he handles it with grace and courage when he suffers the health loss and Ghost will never know what thats like. . . .
  • I believe one of the poll options is “Ghost with synergies”, correct me if i’m wrong ;) Yeah. . . . sure the damage tallied from the duration of Ghosts furies vs Omegas death field is one narrow perspective that you’re entitled to have. If we were comparing only those aspects i’m sure most would agree with you.…
  • Take two 5*s to rank 2, not worth it at the point your at imo, aside from maybe a select few 6* champs and none of them is havok ;)
  • Or maybe they’re just right. ;) I have Ghost/Omega/Namor 5*s at R5. I believe Ghost is the best of the three, and Omega is second. 1. Both Ghost and Omega benefit from suicides at the start of the fight, aside from increased base attack. Ghost with furies (short duration), Omega with death field. Although while essentially…
  • This month i ran it in 3:06 Heroic - 6* Juggs Master - R5 Corvus no boosts so not sure how fast that will compare to others, seems to be a lot of room to make a better time in this months quest. . .
  • This is coming from someone with an r4 Golden Hymen. . . I would say “wait” but you already have 2/3 of the best cosmic champs (medusa/hype/corvus). . . use it if you like using him and the extremely long fights that come with him. . .
  • 1st: Wasp - New Champ 2nd: IMIW - First Awakening Pretty good pulls thus far, couldn’t be happier. . . Still need a good cosmic though
  • pretty sure they said they would discuss what the compensation would be after running some number and hand it out early in the week. . .
  • There have been plenty of YouTube reviews on Goldpool since the release of the crystals at the beginning of last month. Its pretty widly known he’s a “mediocre” champ with the 2nd highest prestige. He’s a trophy champ, thats what drew in the masses. I can say that prestige is going to play a bigger role in AQ like it once…
  • You have no idea how much your winstreak annoys me right now, was on pace to hit 1500.. .now not so much. But I apologize, yours is higher.
  • Nope. Highly doubtful.
  • Its not really about the point difference. Its the fight time that has the biggest impact.