Who is the best champion in the game for suicide masteries?

Who do you think is the best champion in the game with suicide masteries.

Who is the best champion in the game for suicide masteries? 149 votes

Ghost with senergies
BigPoppaCBONEum0p3pisdnTheManMythLegendNikoBravoYotzmightysword1007GAM3RGUYTeddersBROSEFSTALINRoosterfish247AhitlawDuke_SilverRasiloverIDogeShadow_PhoneixKobster84LordRaymond3PrylankBlackJ4zzX_Factor_Agent 34 votes
Omega red
ArcDeAngelusPantherusNZFrostydigital-SOBZjieeeKDoggg2017TerraJim0172ZzzLvernon15SiddhantKwatraBlackGekkougaThatGuyYouSaw235WrathfulRavenRoOOtsTaZ_4178Repto2310or_StrongDarthPhalXxLoganTDCxX 72 votes
RektorWhiteManCliffordcanJayProngsKerneasEthanGamerRaiserTheSpicyKnightTivjyotDragonsniperRhQSquishyjrThe_4THgp87 12 votes
razielIndrick781DukeReyAlemánMasquerade1981phil56201warung73Cage_1Justin2524MassapealLeon91Pure_awesomeness_123HehehdhdKobikobs 14 votes
Haji_SaabSecondSkrillerHairyslugThesurvivlistBattle_GreninjaFhfjghhggggjfhfjgBLACKMILKTEA_88Noob371BabyMiikeGiodood_1Bettlejuice26ReeeTronHyper_Cricket21 13 votes
Other *comment below*
ÆrroneousNojokejaymBatman1903MiStaLova 4 votes


  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    There are several , not one...how does this poll help still baffles me?
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Ghost with senergies
    And without.
    I’d say her and OR are tied.
  • Masquerade1981Masquerade1981 Member Posts: 296
    1. Omega Red - heals and activates death field
    2. Corvus - heals
    3. Ghost - can avoid recoil but the timing is really hard to master. IMO, Ghost isn’t THAT much better with suicides than other double immune champs.
  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
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  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
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    Magik Hyperion ghost rider x23
  • Masquerade1981Masquerade1981 Member Posts: 296

    then u have no idea what ghost can do

    Care to elaborate or just want to troll? She converts them into 2 super short furies. Big deal. I’d take healing over those short furies every time.

    Ghost is an amazing champ, best in the game IMO, but doesn’t necessarily benefit from suicides anymore than a double Immune champ. If you disagree, explain.
  • ConnectConnect Member Posts: 197
    Wouldn’t Emma be good option for suicide or am I missing something
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Ghost with senergies
    Invisible woman
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Ghost with senergies
    Ghost is INSANE with suicides. Especially those first 3-4 hits with the passive furies. Verrrry bursary. OR is 2nd
  • Katzastrophe_Od1nKatzastrophe_Od1n Member Posts: 223 ★★
    Ghost with senergies

    then u have no idea what ghost can do

    Care to elaborate or just want to troll? She converts them into 2 super short furies. Big deal. I’d take healing over those short furies every time.

    Ghost is an amazing champ, best in the game IMO, but doesn’t necessarily benefit from suicides anymore than a double Immune champ. If you disagree, explain.
    im not trolling. it´s pretty simple, 60% more attack all the time plus a bigger damage outburst with her specials cos of recoil. i think that cant be underestimated ;)
  • Batman1903Batman1903 Member Posts: 208
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    ANGELA, X-23,etc
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Ghost with senergies
    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Probably Omega red because he is immune to poison and activates death field plus his sp1 basically heals any damage he takes from recoil
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    edited August 2019
    Ghost with senergies
    Ghost for sure. Omega #2 (I have both as 5*s)
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Kidding aside, Ghost is the best mate.
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Namor must be too new, but he can pass most of the damage from them onto the opponent and gets a steady regen for the whole fight if you are playing him right. Also, heal on SPs almost negate Recoil. He is best with Suicides
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    edited August 2019
    Omega red
    -sixate- said:

    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.

    Mate have you even played with Omega red.
    #1 He takes 0 damage from any suicides (heal from SP1, bleed resistance and immunity to poison)
    #2 He activates death field INSTANTLY from the bleed suicide, which allows him to completely shatter armour, have very high degeneration/regeneration AND be a living nightmare on defence.
    Try him out, if you can afford suicides he can be one of the best champs in the game.
  • DragonsniperRhQDragonsniperRhQ Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2019
    The best one since he can take no damage and reflect it back to the opponents (: Max sig preferably
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    -sixate- said:

    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.

    Or maybe ur just wrong
  • um0p3pisdnum0p3pisdn Member Posts: 59
    Ghost with senergies
    Zuro said:

    -sixate- said:

    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.

    Or maybe ur just wrong
    Or maybe they’re just right. ;)

    I have Ghost/Omega/Namor 5*s at R5. I believe Ghost is the best of the three, and Omega is second.

    1. Both Ghost and Omega benefit from suicides at the start of the fight, aside from increased base attack. Ghost with furies (short duration), Omega with death field. Although while essentially all of Ghosts attacks see an increase in damage, Omegas death spores DO NOT see any increase, and are only affected by signature level.

    2. Ghost can negate recoil (as others have said), with 1 synergy (Hood). She can also tank SP3s with that synergy as well. The bulk of Omegas damage comes from his death field (SP2), he takes recoil damage and has to heal it back via SP3 and siphoning spores; which in turn drops his DPS dramatically in longer fights. Ghosts DPS can remain virtually the same no matter the length of the fight.

    They are both awesome champs with suicide masteries, and while Omega may have better survivability from the healing he gains, Ghost benefits more overall in my opinion from the steady increase in damage, and the option for no damage lost.

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
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    bleed and poison immune champs
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★

    Zuro said:

    -sixate- said:

    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.

    Or maybe ur just wrong
    Or maybe they’re just right. ;)

    I have Ghost/Omega/Namor 5*s at R5. I believe Ghost is the best of the three, and Omega is second.

    1. Both Ghost and Omega benefit from suicides at the start of the fight, aside from increased base attack. Ghost with furies (short duration), Omega with death field. Although while essentially all of Ghosts attacks see an increase in damage, Omegas death spores DO NOT see any increase, and are only affected by signature level.

    2. Ghost can negate recoil (as others have said), with 1 synergy (Hood). She can also tank SP3s with that synergy as well. The bulk of Omegas damage comes from his death field (SP2), he takes recoil damage and has to heal it back via SP3 and siphoning spores; which in turn drops his DPS dramatically in longer fights. Ghosts DPS can remain virtually the same no matter the length of the fight.

    They are both awesome champs with suicide masteries, and while Omega may have better survivability from the healing he gains, Ghost benefits more overall in my opinion from the steady increase in damage, and the option for no damage lost.

    Here is the thing the thread is who is the best suicide champ not who is the best suicide champ with synergies and damage wise I'd say you can get in more damage with OR death field than the furies ghost starts with but hey that's just my opinion
  • um0p3pisdnum0p3pisdn Member Posts: 59
    Ghost with senergies
    Zuro said:

    Zuro said:

    -sixate- said:

    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.

    Or maybe ur just wrong
    Or maybe they’re just right. ;)

    I have Ghost/Omega/Namor 5*s at R5. I believe Ghost is the best of the three, and Omega is second.

    1. Both Ghost and Omega benefit from suicides at the start of the fight, aside from increased base attack. Ghost with furies (short duration), Omega with death field. Although while essentially all of Ghosts attacks see an increase in damage, Omegas death spores DO NOT see any increase, and are only affected by signature level.

    2. Ghost can negate recoil (as others have said), with 1 synergy (Hood). She can also tank SP3s with that synergy as well. The bulk of Omegas damage comes from his death field (SP2), he takes recoil damage and has to heal it back via SP3 and siphoning spores; which in turn drops his DPS dramatically in longer fights. Ghosts DPS can remain virtually the same no matter the length of the fight.

    They are both awesome champs with suicide masteries, and while Omega may have better survivability from the healing he gains, Ghost benefits more overall in my opinion from the steady increase in damage, and the option for no damage lost.

    Here is the thing the thread is who is the best suicide champ not who is the best suicide champ with synergies and damage wise I'd say you can get in more damage with OR death field than the furies ghost starts with but hey that's just my opinion
    I believe one of the poll options is “Ghost with synergies”, correct me if i’m wrong ;)

    Yeah. . . . sure the damage tallied from the duration of Ghosts furies vs Omegas death field is one narrow perspective that you’re entitled to have. If we were comparing only those aspects i’m sure most would agree with you. Unfortunately we are not.

    Suicides increase damage, Ghosts DPS is light years better than Omegas. Pretty clear cut imo ;)

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
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    rogue is great with suicides
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★

    Zuro said:

    Zuro said:

    -sixate- said:

    Ghost, massive crits, can negate recoil. This isn't even close. Clearly anyone voting for anyone other than Ghost either doesn't have her or can't play her properly.

    Or maybe ur just wrong
    Or maybe they’re just right. ;)

    I have Ghost/Omega/Namor 5*s at R5. I believe Ghost is the best of the three, and Omega is second.

    1. Both Ghost and Omega benefit from suicides at the start of the fight, aside from increased base attack. Ghost with furies (short duration), Omega with death field. Although while essentially all of Ghosts attacks see an increase in damage, Omegas death spores DO NOT see any increase, and are only affected by signature level.

    2. Ghost can negate recoil (as others have said), with 1 synergy (Hood). She can also tank SP3s with that synergy as well. The bulk of Omegas damage comes from his death field (SP2), he takes recoil damage and has to heal it back via SP3 and siphoning spores; which in turn drops his DPS dramatically in longer fights. Ghosts DPS can remain virtually the same no matter the length of the fight.

    They are both awesome champs with suicide masteries, and while Omega may have better survivability from the healing he gains, Ghost benefits more overall in my opinion from the steady increase in damage, and the option for no damage lost.

    Here is the thing the thread is who is the best suicide champ not who is the best suicide champ with synergies and damage wise I'd say you can get in more damage with OR death field than the furies ghost starts with but hey that's just my opinion
    I believe one of the poll options is “Ghost with synergies”, correct me if i’m wrong ;)

    Yeah. . . . sure the damage tallied from the duration of Ghosts furies vs Omegas death field is one narrow perspective that you’re entitled to have. If we were comparing only those aspects i’m sure most would agree with you. Unfortunately we are not.

    Suicides increase damage, Ghosts DPS is light years better than Omegas. Pretty clear cut imo ;)

    Lool I didn't even see the synergies part my bad I'd say with synergies ghost is better but without its OR
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    But even then OR deals with recoil better than ghost
  • um0p3pisdnum0p3pisdn Member Posts: 59
    Ghost with senergies
    Zuro said:

    But even then OR deals with recoil better than ghost

    You would have been better off if you’d left it at your previous response.

    Precisely how does Omega deal with Recoil better than Ghost? In the sense the he takes recoil damage and Ghost doesn't, so he handles it with grace and courage when he suffers the health loss and Ghost will never know what thats like. . . .
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★

    Zuro said:

    But even then OR deals with recoil better than ghost

    You would have been better off if you’d left it at your previous response.

    Precisely how does Omega deal with Recoil better than Ghost? In the sense the he takes recoil damage and Ghost doesn't, so he handles it with grace and courage when he suffers the health loss and Ghost will never know what thats like. . . .
    You can heal most of damage the damage from recoil back with sp1 and sp3 that's what I meant
  • EthanGamerEthanGamer Member Posts: 357
    Namor can do more damage than anyone on the list while imperis Rex is active with a few fury’s. Suicides increase that damage even more. Also if awakened at max sig when he attacks he stores up the bleed and poison damage and reflects it as energy damage to the opponent. He also regens six percent of his missing health on specials so he counters recoil.
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