Regarding the relocation of Parry

"To achieve this, we will have to take some measures similar to the Mystic Dispersion refund.
November 27th 10 am PST - 29th 10 am PST: We will be locking the ability to Purchase new ranks or Spec in to the Parry Mastery.
This means that if you want to use Parry during this time, you must spec into it before the 27th of November."
Does this mean if you re-spec your Proficiencies/Utilies mastery page during this time, you'll be locked out of Parry for those 2 days? Cause that's the way Mystic Dispersion was handled and would be a huge deteriment if someone were to be locked out of parry. The Proficiencies mastery tree is often respec'd to put points elsewhere, turn on/off suicides, etc. Especially that this is happening before the last war of the season is over, if someone has to reset out of utilities (happens very often) then they'll be screwed in the last Alliance War of the season. Not even to mention AQ / Variant / Uncollected / etc.
November 27th 10 am PST - 29th 10 am PST: We will be locking the ability to Purchase new ranks or Spec in to the Parry Mastery.
This means that if you want to use Parry during this time, you must spec into it before the 27th of November."
Does this mean if you re-spec your Proficiencies/Utilies mastery page during this time, you'll be locked out of Parry for those 2 days? Cause that's the way Mystic Dispersion was handled and would be a huge deteriment if someone were to be locked out of parry. The Proficiencies mastery tree is often respec'd to put points elsewhere, turn on/off suicides, etc. Especially that this is happening before the last war of the season is over, if someone has to reset out of utilities (happens very often) then they'll be screwed in the last Alliance War of the season. Not even to mention AQ / Variant / Uncollected / etc.
@Kabam Miike
1. Make the mastery interface clearer. Make it a list if you have to with descriptions.
2. Get rid of the old outdated map UI with mysterious new mastery abilities that are coming soon for the past 3 years.
3. How about you actually make some tools and guides instead of us having to again rely on player created info and calculators.
4. PLEASE for the love of God let us have at LEAST 2 mastery profiles. I will pay an Odin if it means I don't have to go back and reset everything and reallocate my points to the nonsensical layout every time I want to do arena or a speed run. Maybe players will be more inclined to use different champs if they can easily customize masteries by choosing profiles instead of clicking 100 times every time we want to change one thing.
Fixing the announcement now!
Dude it's only like .008% of people who are affected... Nobody uses parry.
That’s nice to hear it won’t be affecting the last war but it is still non-ideal that we’ll be locked out of parry if we need to change masteries for 2 days. Certainly there has to be a better way to handle these mastery changes in the future especially with essential ones like parry.
We're working on it, but at this time, this is the only way we could do it
Why? The mastery isnt changing. What would you need the cost refunded?
They want to encourage new players to take and use parry sooner by eliminating its prerequisite. Right now you have to unlock and burn a point in Limber first before taking Parry. That delays when you get Parry, and they want players to get it earlier and learn how to play with its features sooner. They are also reducing the costs to initially unlock and use it so the initial hurdle to unlock it is lower.
That has nothing to do with this at all
I will just take advantage of the free period to respec my entire mastery tree.
Correct. They are refunding ths cores and cores only. You'll have to unlock again but all you need is the cores plus couple units or gold.
Currently, the proficiency tree starts with Limber and branches into Dexterity and Parry. Parry then branches into Stupefy and Petrify-Pacify.
If I have to “re-spec” into Parry on December 4, does that also mean I will be re-specing into all the subsequent masteries beyond Parry and/or Limber? Or will the tree be designed differently so that I don’t have to re-spec things like Limber, Stupefy, Petrify and Pacify?
If I’ve missed some announcement that explains it more fully, then apologies. But it would help if we could see what the new tree looks like compared to the old.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
do you have to pay those blue mastery cores still to unlock and then the levels are free to upgrade e.g 1, 2, 3 ?