Game keeps on downloading 500mb of data

Why is this happening? I updated the game yesterday, and went through the 500mb download the first time. But when I opened game again today, it said it will download the same 500mb of data. This is such a hassle and I'm pretty sure if I play AQ or AW, it will download stuff before any fight and I will get a timeout. Any mod here please help.
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@Kabam Miike @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Spice
Has this happened more than the 2 times that you mentioned? Does it happen every time you open the game?
Yes every single time! In fact btwn fights i have to load like some more data
Its happened well over six times since Friday for me.
When we answer questions its nice to have you reply back.
Is this the new norm ?
Yes bro. As soon as I exit and reopen game, it starts with notice that it is gonna download 500mb over my mobile data.
Also, until when are we going to go through this? I understand homecoming event is coming to an end and we will probably have a new update by then but please give us assurance that it is gonna be back to normal soon. Thanks.
I can't play normally and as frequently as I used too. The game is as good as broken right now.
Yo Kabam Mike. I think the issue on Android is that when you "optimize" the device, data gets wiped hence the need to re-download over 500MB jusr to play or jump between sections of the game. Optimization is necessary for Android users so this needs ro be addressed in a different patch. It may seem to save having to release a large apk, but the community would suffer in the long run.
Hope this gets resolved soon because Andoid is what I use to play when travelling.
Thanks in advance!
Only when I'm using cell network.
Also since the Beta dload the game has become almost unplayable at times, due to lag and mishits.
Any word on why this is happening? And is there gonna be any kind of compensation? I'd normally roll with the punches but the game essentially ate all of my data in a few short tries of logging in. No Bueno kabam
Its been a few days @Kabam Miike do you have any answers?
I see you posting all day in other threads and closing stuff but still no reply to us in here. You asked us questions and we answered you but now you ignore us once again. @Kabam Miike when will you have a update for us? Just wanted to check in since its been a few days. Seems like enough time to check with the "team".