Uncollected Arena Crystal and the Regular

My question for the community regarding the Uncollected Arena crystal as well as the basic arena crystal is the following:
Is the basic arena crystal the crystal with the increased odds to acquire 4 -star punisher and is this the crystal that no longer contains the 3-star punisher?
Or is it the Uncollected Arena crystal the crystal that has increased odds for a 4-star punisher?
The reason i ask is because in the basic arena crystal when i select it from the crystal vault it displays images of pulling a possible 3-star punisher from the basic arena crystal which costs 2,000 battlechips.
Before i redeem my battlechips for arena crystals I just want to have a straight answer so I will know which crystal to invest all my battlechips in to acquire this 4-star punisher with the increased odds.
Thank you for taking your time to read my thread. Keep up the good work Kabam.
Is the basic arena crystal the crystal with the increased odds to acquire 4 -star punisher and is this the crystal that no longer contains the 3-star punisher?
Or is it the Uncollected Arena crystal the crystal that has increased odds for a 4-star punisher?
The reason i ask is because in the basic arena crystal when i select it from the crystal vault it displays images of pulling a possible 3-star punisher from the basic arena crystal which costs 2,000 battlechips.
Before i redeem my battlechips for arena crystals I just want to have a straight answer so I will know which crystal to invest all my battlechips in to acquire this 4-star punisher with the increased odds.
Thank you for taking your time to read my thread. Keep up the good work Kabam.
Now the good thing about the new ones is the punisher drop rate. Uncollected arena crystals have the same % chance to drop a 4* Punisher as the regular ones had of 3* !!!! CRAZY, i know right !? It's like 4*s are already the new 3*s lol.
And then there's the all new 5* punisher, with same drop-rate as 4* had in the old crystal. (Means i'll never get him)