5 Month Account Progression - Milestone Reached!

After some fantastically clutch fights against the ever-frustrating Collector - Act 5 is finally complete!

The Collector and certain 5.3 paths aside (cough Spiked Armour cough), this act was definitely one of the most enjoyable pieces of content I’ve played through, topping even Variant 3.
Now I’ve got to decide between these two for my first r5:

Currently leaning more towards Corvus, as I feel he could use the extra damage more, whereas Namor is still a nuke at r4. I’m also not 100% sure how useful Namor would be in Act 6, whereas I’ve seen Corvus being very effective in 6.1.

My second decision is whether to drop my generic AG on Namor (I do have the resources to take him to sig 200), or wait to pull OR (who I have as my lone 6*, but it’s pretty clear he’s not gonna be seeing those silver stars for a while).
Although Namor’s sig would definitely provide some nice utility, I don’t feel like it’s something I need immediately. I’m thinking it’s probably best to sit on the AG for a bit, unless I’m presented with some particularly compelling arguments for awakening Namor asap.

The Collector and certain 5.3 paths aside (cough Spiked Armour cough), this act was definitely one of the most enjoyable pieces of content I’ve played through, topping even Variant 3.
Now I’ve got to decide between these two for my first r5:

Currently leaning more towards Corvus, as I feel he could use the extra damage more, whereas Namor is still a nuke at r4. I’m also not 100% sure how useful Namor would be in Act 6, whereas I’ve seen Corvus being very effective in 6.1.

My second decision is whether to drop my generic AG on Namor (I do have the resources to take him to sig 200), or wait to pull OR (who I have as my lone 6*, but it’s pretty clear he’s not gonna be seeing those silver stars for a while).
Although Namor’s sig would definitely provide some nice utility, I don’t feel like it’s something I need immediately. I’m thinking it’s probably best to sit on the AG for a bit, unless I’m presented with some particularly compelling arguments for awakening Namor asap.
But mostly I’m an avid arena grinder, with the majority of the units going towards refills and clearing content. I’ve not spent as much as you seem to think, but I won’t pretend I’m not a spender now and again haha
In the other hand, I wouldn’t doubt a single second to put that AG and all the sig into namor and taking him at R5 right after Corvus (in the case you choose Corvus before Namor)
In any case, you couldn’t go wrong with any of these. Keep it like that pal
Step 2: Go into Variant 2
Step 3: Profit
I ended up ranking up Corvus and I’ve been loving the extra damage, it makes the EQ and invasions an absolute breeze and I’m excited to take him into 6.1 once I‘ve got the rest of my roster sorted.
As for the AG, I’ve got a couple 5* star crystals I can open soon so I reckon I’ll see what I can pull from those before I make any decisions, would hate to pull a champ I just used a generic AG on!
On a side note, I think I saw one of your posts a lil while back - didn’t you reach Cavalier within 7 months of starting or something?
I think the unholy amount of time I spent arena grinding during the first three or four months really helped familiarise me with a lot of character animations early on too
5.3 can definitely feel like a bit of an uphill battle especially with the class restrictions. I personally found Sparky to be quite effective, as his poise charges add a flat attack increase (which isn’t affected the class damage reductions). Hyperion was also great once ramped up with enough furies, and I also got a lot of mileage running Sabretooth and WS with the KM synergy, both making fights much shorter once ramped up despite the damage restrictions.
If you feel like you haven’t got the right champs to tackle 5.3 and keep progressing, I’d recommend focusing on one or some of the following:
- Run arenas to build up your unit stash (and shards/dupes/iso over time)
- Run at least Map 4/5 AQ consistently to build up resources (so that when you do pull a 5* champ you like, you can rank them up quite quickly)
- Focus on completion and exploration of EQ and side quests to build up shards - when I was in the middle of a bad luck streak, I found it quite fun to hoard my 5* shards until I could open 3 at a time (somehow felt less discouraging)
- Farm potions off ROL, or revives/refills off 4.3.6
It’s not the most exciting list of thing to do but it’s very helpful in the long run, and having a set goal in mind can be good to keep yourself from becoming too disinterested. Hope that helps, I’m happy to answer any more questions you might have.
7 months to Cavalier is crazy, nice one! I think I’ll take some time to hit some practice runs and build up my resources again - the multiple consecutive Collector fights took a good chuck out of my stash
o do
And whilst DW and Assassin are great to have, I wouldn’t recommend unlocking them just yet, as your roster isn’t particularly bleed based. It’s always nice to have the benefit provides by Assassin, but given that you’ll have to unlock both Despair and DW to do so, I’d hold off for now.
As for rankups, I’d personally recommend taking both AA and Cap IW to r5 once they’re awakened - they’ll both take you far in both Act 5 and monthly EQ. If you need a good power control champ, Hawkeye is another great option, and I’d also consider ranking up Red Hulk (good damage, poison immune). Void is also always worth consideration, though I can’t wholeheartedly recommend him as I’ve never had the pleasure of using him myself.
Regarding your 5 stars, both Guilly and Crossbones can be situationally very useful - I wish I’d had a Crossbones for the 5.3 and RttL spiked armour paths, ha. But personally, I’d focus on the 4*s I mentioned above before you decide to invest in your 5*s - despite what some people might say, you’ll continue get a lot of mileage out of your 4*s right through til Elder’s Bane.
I ended up ranking Corvus over Namor, and the Cyber Weekend announcement motivated me to make a last minute push for Cavalier, which turned out to be surprisingly doable!
The first four quests were very straightforward, with Corvus doing most of the heavy lifting. I’d heard a lot of horror stories about the 6.1.5 Crossbones, but after taking the Bane node off, Corvus and OR made quick work of him (costing 1 revive to finish). Sparky was my MVP for the 6.1.6 Sentinel.
Resisting the urge to burn all my leftover units on cavs, I opened a couple 5* crystals to celebrate, and ended up with a 5* Cyclops dupe that pushed me over into my second 6* crystal, yielding:
Very happy I went for it now - who would have thought that Cyclops would be the true MVP on my road to Cavalier?