My friend died - his brother wants to give me his account info. Need insight.

A very close friend died back in November from cancer. His account has been abandoned, but his brother happened upon his account info.
Since his brother doesn't play, he offered me the account. I told him I wasnt sure what the rules were regarding someone who died, and i would have to ask.
Any insight @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
Since his brother doesn't play, he offered me the account. I told him I wasnt sure what the rules were regarding someone who died, and i would have to ask.
Any insight @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit
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It was a very sad and shocking thing. He was 37.
He was diagnosed with Stage 4 and 3 weeks later he died.
First, let me say that you have our deepest condolences. Friendships are forged in the Contest, and we’ve seen many strong relationships born through Alliances, and real life friendships carried through to the Battlerealm as well.
However, the transfer of an account is against our Terms of Service, and we can’t condone it.
We are very sorry for your loss, and your friend’s family’s loss.