Heavy attack triggered Resist mid heavy

Hey everyone,
this probably isnt a bug but maybe a random interaction but i noticed it in Arena and dont have a recording.
So i was using Heimdall against Havok, i landed a parry, did 1 medium then a heavy, the first part of Heimdall's heavy had already connected while Havok was still stunned and against the wall but when the second part of his heavy was going to connect Havok proc'd Resist and parry'd me.
i still won the fight, but this didnt seem right since the Heavy had already connected and Heimdall was simply finishing his animation.
should the defender still be able to react after a heavy has connected?
this feels similar to how Hyperion could have Sparky proc evade mid heavy and Hype was fixed to resolve this.
this probably isnt a bug but maybe a random interaction but i noticed it in Arena and dont have a recording.
So i was using Heimdall against Havok, i landed a parry, did 1 medium then a heavy, the first part of Heimdall's heavy had already connected while Havok was still stunned and against the wall but when the second part of his heavy was going to connect Havok proc'd Resist and parry'd me.
i still won the fight, but this didnt seem right since the Heavy had already connected and Heimdall was simply finishing his animation.
should the defender still be able to react after a heavy has connected?
this feels similar to how Hyperion could have Sparky proc evade mid heavy and Hype was fixed to resolve this.
with as low as the chance is for resist to proc, it would be very difficult to replicate.
unless someone has maybe noticed it on one of the youtubers streams at some point.
as for champs this might happen to, i would start with those that have 2 part heavys with long(ish) animations.
Old Man Logan
Agent Venom
those are some that come to mind with long 2 part heavys.