Warlock not reducing Offensive abilities.

I was just farming potions in ROL and brought Warlock for Juggernaut and even at 4 infections he was still triggering his Unstoppable. This can’t be a defensive ability, it triggers when he is activating his specials, not when im attacking him. I haven’t tested this anywhere else but wanted to post this for now.
His OAAR works, you can see Vision failing to power burn him due to it.
If this is the case I’m starting to wonder what the true benefit of an offensive ability reduction is? I get the whole power burn thing with Vision, it just seems it should be applied to all offensive abilities not just offensive abilities that make constact.
Probably just a bug with the ability itself after the attemp to fix it in a previous update
wondering since this RoL juggernaut is "pre-buff", if that has something to do with it? (Specifically this one interaction with juggernaut)... whereas in quests, arenas, or really anywhere else I would expect it to work.
Who’s OAAR were you using for Juggernaut? Prior to Warlock, Civil Warrior and Proxima Midnight are the only champs with OAAR that come to mind.
Jugg is trying to hit you, that cause unstoppable.. it is an ability that cause by at attack position of jugg, not defensive.
Aspect of war is also an offensive ability because ist starts by an attack of the attacker. It doesnt matter if it makes contact or not: whats the point? Hit me to win a ability? That doesnt make sense.
Please speak with the team and stop changing everything your favor. Time to think your player base 🙏🏽.
A: Generally, defensive ability accuracy refers to the ability accuracy of abilities that either trigger in response to being hit or defensive abilities that trigger when certain conditions are met. Offensive ability accuracy refers to the ability accuracy of effects that trigger when the champion attacks.
based on this, how can the action of activating a Special Attack not be considered offensive? just trying to understand how it actually works.
Well, Blade for Example. With the synergy.
Considering there only exists Offensive ability accuracy and defensive ability accuracy, how is Blade able to make the unstoppable fail on Juggernaut? It's already tested/confirmed not to be a defensive ability, and previously champions that were able to reduce OAAR were able to make it stop as well. I don't see why Warlock is now not being able to do it, but other's champs can still do it
Warlock in the past was reducing Ability Accuracy instead of OAA.
action that has as result to make you struck (even if you avoid them by dexterity for example) should consider as OAA and warlock after 3 infections should eliminate them.
Ability Accuracy reduces the chance to activate an ability.
Offensive Ability Accuracy reduces the chance to activate abilities that occur while striking the opponent.
Defensive Ability Accuracy reduces the chance to activate abilities while struck by the opponent.
It’s important to understand abilities are not classified as offensive or defensive. When trying to say this or that ability should be offensive or defensive you’re just making it up, abilities do not exist like that.
What changes when the opponent is inflicted with 3 infection? What changes? Give me an example, because i want to understand the benefit of that ability the champ has. Thanks a lot.
There are many things this will interact with.
Yondu’s armor break or steal.
Sunspot’s incinerates.
Nick Fury’s disorient or s2 stun.
Captain Marvel’s armor break.
Hyperion’s furies, armor break and stun. His cosmic charges also if the timing lines up.
Ronin’s chance to bleed/gain a creulty.
Korg’s armor break.
Mr. Fantastic’s debuffs.
Human Torches incinerates.
Cull’s armor breaks and secondary damage during Rout.
It goes on and on and on.
By your explanation, unstoppable of jugger can’t be removed by a future champ that cause defensive ability accuracy reduction because you have to hit him.
So what ability accuracy makes juggy unstoppable? Offensive or defensive? Thats what some people say here: offensive ability is the ability that a move of attack of the defender cause .
Maybe an official explanation make things better by an admin.
Ability Accuracy reduction reduces the chance for Juggs to proc unstoppable, there is also slow which reduces unstoppable’s chance. Along with champs who can remove/nullify it. That however is not Warlock’s ability.
You have an official explanation earlier in the thread.