Units not being applied when opening arena crystals

This has happened to me many times in the past and it is very frustrating. Many times I have seen that my total units has changed when opening arena crystals or claiming rewards that don’t add up to the total amount awarded. Smaller amounts of units being awarded results in slower application to your total units on a player’s account.
The easiest way to reproduce this is to do the folllowing. If you are opening arena crystals and you get 15 units and press “back” button before they are finished applying to your total, you will lose out on any amount that is not applied to ur total before u hit back IF you do not immediately go back to the main screen and continue to open units from more arena crystals. If you go back to the main screen or log out and back in after the first loss of units, it will jump up to the right value.
I have seen this happen many times over the many years in this game when claiming rewards quickly and especially when opening arena crystals, but I have let it to go or thought I was mistaken.
This time I am certain about this. Before opening arena crystals, my total units ended with an “8” prior to me opening arena crystals (from opening a greater red envelope earlier). Since I only got either amounts that are multiples of 15, I could never have my units end in anything other than a “3” or an “8”. However, after opening the arena crystals you can see my units are now at 8365. If you compare and add up all the amount rewarded from arena crystals and add that to the total units I had before opening any, you will see the amount I am missing.
I wrote this because this bug is getting frustrating to work around and it needs to be fixed. I wonder if it is happening with gold rewards and other currency that gets applied slowly in the game client (units are the slowest). But opening a lot of gold crystals or claiming rewards quickly could result in this too.
It is proven at least with arena crystals that subsequent unit transaction after pressing back too fast and not having units fully apply cause the transaction to not “stick” on the server. I would think that the transactions are independent of the visual display in the game client but they aren’t.
If you don’t believe me. Try it out...just when u get 15 awarded from arena crystals, press back before the full amount is applied and see that u didn’t get all 15, then open more arena crystals and add up the totals and u will see you were shorted the amount not applied.
For long term players who bulk open arena crystals, you may have no idea how many units you have lost!
The easiest way to reproduce this is to do the folllowing. If you are opening arena crystals and you get 15 units and press “back” button before they are finished applying to your total, you will lose out on any amount that is not applied to ur total before u hit back IF you do not immediately go back to the main screen and continue to open units from more arena crystals. If you go back to the main screen or log out and back in after the first loss of units, it will jump up to the right value.
I have seen this happen many times over the many years in this game when claiming rewards quickly and especially when opening arena crystals, but I have let it to go or thought I was mistaken.
This time I am certain about this. Before opening arena crystals, my total units ended with an “8” prior to me opening arena crystals (from opening a greater red envelope earlier). Since I only got either amounts that are multiples of 15, I could never have my units end in anything other than a “3” or an “8”. However, after opening the arena crystals you can see my units are now at 8365. If you compare and add up all the amount rewarded from arena crystals and add that to the total units I had before opening any, you will see the amount I am missing.
I wrote this because this bug is getting frustrating to work around and it needs to be fixed. I wonder if it is happening with gold rewards and other currency that gets applied slowly in the game client (units are the slowest). But opening a lot of gold crystals or claiming rewards quickly could result in this too.
It is proven at least with arena crystals that subsequent unit transaction after pressing back too fast and not having units fully apply cause the transaction to not “stick” on the server. I would think that the transactions are independent of the visual display in the game client but they aren’t.
If you don’t believe me. Try it out...just when u get 15 awarded from arena crystals, press back before the full amount is applied and see that u didn’t get all 15, then open more arena crystals and add up the totals and u will see you were shorted the amount not applied.
For long term players who bulk open arena crystals, you may have no idea how many units you have lost!
This discussion has been closed.
BTW, If Buy all ur arena crystals up front then open, u won’t experience the issue.
If you ever see Units being awarded from a Crystal which don't increase your Unit Balance accordingly, I recommend closing and restarting the game. This should update the game data on your device and allow the newly acquired Units to show. However, if that doesn't work and you're concerned that the correct number of Units haven't be added to your account, you should definitely reach out to our Support Team for assistance. You can contact them by clicking HERE.
Alternatively, if you would prefer to contact our Support Team from within the game, simply click on the gear shaped icon, located in the top left corner of the Home screen. From there, tap the button which says “Support”, then tap the button that says “Need more help? Contact us”.