Power of Love boost potentially broken with Corvus Glave

I ran into this problem while fighting the War Machine in 2.2 of Love is a battlerealm etc. I had the Power of Love boost on and was fighting with Corvus. I dropped WM to 8% health, the stun kicked in correctly, and when I landed a heavy attack, WM instantly regenerated to 20% health. This happened multiple times until WM finally knocked me out with a Sp3. I checked CG’s abilities, just to be sure, but there’s nothing in them that says he can nullify buffs with his heavy. Am I just missing something, or has anyone else had this problem? (I ended up finishing the fight with Luke Cage, and it worked just fine, no glitch.) If anyone could shine some light on this is would be much appreciated, as CG is one of my best champs and I really need him for this quest.
~ Warden out
~ Warden out
I was using 5* r2 X23 ... In the 4th chapter (Sentinel boss),
Took left path:
Venom the Duck (happened 5 times)
Shehulk (happened 4 times)
Black Widow (happened 0 times - I got lucky?)
Archangel (happened 2 times)
Iceman (happened once)
Same thing as OP described:
normal 5 hit combo to 0 hp, triggering indestructible .. stun triggers, immediately start a heavy attack, opponent immediately gains 20% health. O.o
Definitely looks like a bug .
Ignore my bad gameplay, watch time 28s - 32s ..
he gains health prior to invulnerability debuff expiring ..
still stunned as well .. *shrug*
my guess us the first hit of heavy is actually nullifying the indestructible. and hence triggering the healing.
I'm really hoping this is uintended .. as the wording of the buff clearly uses the word remove.. not nullify ...
as it stands .. functionally .. you need to deal killing blow with heavy BEFORE the indestructible buff is added. again . this is NOT what's implied in the node description.
~ Warden out
Would be good if we could get videos from separate sources on the issue
I thought the same at first. Tested a dozen times. It’s just timing.
around time index 7:00 ... he was using Stark Spidey vs Sentinel.
and it appears he triggered the bug .. with a single hit champ even .. O.o
I slowed it down, and you can clearly see him hitting with heavy @about 7:00 with indestructible buff still up with lots of time ... the hit seems to trigger the heal .. very odd.
I would expect the heavy to remove the indestructible .. no heal .. but if heavy isn't enough to kill .. that's fine ..
hit him again, and he'll drop to 0 .. so he'll immediately gain another indestructible buff .. lather/rinse/repeat .. until:
1) you kill him with a heavy.
2) the buff times out, and he heals.
Thank you!
I'll check it out.