Black Widow Claire Voaynt bug?

Fighting Champion in 6.2.6 with spite and unblockable nodes on. Claire is not regenerating with her sp2 and her synergy with Ghost Rider is not working. Really pissed, that cost me a lot of units...
@Kabam Zibiit that was not mentioned nowhere in the patch notes...and still the synergy with GR is not working.
It is under known issues a thread created by mods to list the issues they are pushing a fix for
It was resolved in v26.0
It is one of the top threads in this section of the forums
You need to watch this video. You can't reduce or nullify those indestructible charges.
Sorry for the confusion.
Just see Legacy’s video for comparison.
How can you expect her to regen if shes not doing damage? That's like the people who think AA should still be able to stun, stun immune champs.
It was clearly bugged no compensation needed
The ability specifically stated it was 35% of damage delt if you deal 0 what does that equal ? ZERO
No it was not a silent nerf either it was clearly stated Under the link I provided
Stop making excuses for everything
I ranked up Claire in part because of her well-publicized ability to succeed in the 6.2.6 boss fight. I researched the fight and watched a bunch of videos showing her succeed in no small part because of her regen ability. And then I went in to the fight yesterday and essentially gave away all my units trying to make it work.
Now I read release notes, including those for the current version, and there was nothing in them to indicate any changes to her. So despite it being listed as a known issue, there was no explicit communication to the community that it had actually been fixed and was live. And while I agree that the fix is correct based her ability's description, I nonetheless feel cheated by the lack of official communication.
It was publicly known its jsut that people didn’t want to search themselves and now want to cry silent nerf
I literally have the pics and link earlier in this thread
It nerfed her but it’s definitely still doable if she hulk can do it I’m sure BWCV can do it especially with MS mastery
@Kabam Zibiit a comment would be appreciated, please, on the reliability of the various bug-tracking documents.
Plus on top of all of that, this actual thread is saying she doesn't regen off sp2 vs champion boss which was the bug in the first place.
Again, what more confirmation do you need?
Here’s the link to the documentation you so desperately want
I think the documentation is fine
It’s just people are helpless or at least act that way and rather open redundant threads