Being Reported

Look at my account. Look at all the times people have Agreed or Liked my posts. Now look at all the Spam and Abuse charges I have. Look at my Points. Below -100. I'm tired of it. Last night, a guy named [removed by moderation] literally went into my account and reported over 250 of my posts. This is a huge problem. People can report others for anything they want, whether it's abusive or not. People like [removed by moderation] are taking advantage of this and destroying the Points rating of people they don't like or agree with. I'm sure he'll comment on this thread, but go look at GroundedWisdom's account. He is in the low negatives as well. That's because a few guys follow him around and report 80% of the things he says for no reason. This report feature can NOT effect Points. If Points are going to be a statistic, which I want it to be, it's actually pretty cool, then being reported needs to not count against us. If a moderator confirms that we broke a rule, then it should go against us. If we receive an infraction, then it should go against us. But so many trigger happy people just stalk others and report everything they can find, with no explanation. Please change this system, Kabam. Allowing Points to be effected by these acts without moderator confirmation relies on the Honor System, and many people here don't follow it. We should be innocent until proven guilty. What do all of you think?
Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on
TenebrousTenebrific is taking today and the next couple days to read through comments that were reported and see if they were actually worthy of the flags. Just continuing this process would be the same, whether points were a factor or not. I do agree that we need more moderation, but this would not be hard to accomplish for Kabam. They just need mods like Tenebrous to keep doing what they are doing.
This actually allows moderation to focus more on posts that the community as a whole feels are in violation, rather than reading through a long list of reports by one or two members that are not legitimate reports.
As a reminder to everyone, please only flag posts as "Spam" if they are legitimate spam, and flag as "Abuse" if they violate our Forum Rules that can be reviewed here:
It's possible that things may change in the future, and we are always welcoming your feedback and suggestions. If you'd like to see the points system turn into something more valuable, do let us know!
They do anyway, and it's not removed in most cases. This wouldn't be a problem if Points weren't negated. Think about it, people only report people who did nothing wrong because they don't like them or something, right? So they want to take away their Points, right? Well, if Points aren't taken away for this, then they will have no reason to nonsensically report things.
It's not necessarily about Points, but it looks like I'm an abusive person. If someone sees me say something, and they aren't sure whether to believe it or not, so they just take a quick glance at my profile, they'll see almost 300 abuse reports and over 100 spam reports. I wouldn't trust a guy like that unless I knew the report system was not great. And it isn't great.
You just answered your own question. The reputation system isn't great, and points are nothing to be judged by. If you write quality posts then people won't look at you as abusive. I have one guy go in and flag all my posts too but it doesn't make any difference to me or anyone. Some people just have too much time on their hands. If you worry about those things it will just bring you down lol.
I get that it doesn't really effect anyone, but it effects my account and makes me look like a bad person. I'm not a bad person. I don't like the fact that, if someone looks at my account, they'll get that idea. If I get banned it doesn't really effect anyone but me, either, but it still effects me in a negative way, so I don't want it to happen.
If ruled aren't broken flags don't happen. Perhaps you should go over the rules. Rant threads and calling out individuals is against the rules.
I have to side with the OP on the fact that it is abused. My Account has been Flagged many times for no reason. It's become a way to troll people that others don't like. The function is not meant to disagree with others, or to Flag based on personal views about a particular person. Flagging everything someone says is an incredibly juvenile way to behave. It's there for a reason. Making people targets by seeking out all their comments is a form of harassment, whether there are rules broken or not. We have Moderators. However, if it is breaking rules, fair enough. Flagging for no reason at all, other than not liking the person or disagreeing with their thoughts, is abusive in and of itself.
Having said that, as long is there is a function to abuse, people will abuse it. I've learned to let it go and not be so annoyed by it. There is not much we can do to control it, and reacting only feeds the intention it has. The behavior is to cause a reaction. If there is no reaction, all it amounts to is immature behavior on the Forum.
Ha. It's not my fault that people go around, flagging over half of my posts. I can't name names, because apparently it's against the rules, but you'll see if you look at my profile. I don't expect everyoneto agree with everything I say, as I don't agree with everyone else all the time either. My problem is when people who have no self control go flag every post of mine.
It's simple don't break rules.
Yeah, right. I'm not saying I've never said anything rude, but the words "Please stop", for example, have been reported by people. That isn't abuse, and it did not deserve a flag.
You are accusing me of things that I am not doing. It's not against the rules what I've done. Go look at my profile. Do research before you comment on things.
Pretty sure the mods have explicitly replied to your threads stating you broke rules, just like this thread calling people out. Obviously rules are being broken if a mod says so. Stop blaming people for problems your posts cause.
The mod did not say it was me in particular. They could have been referencing to you, since you reported the OP of my thread for no good reason. We don't know for sure.
Oh well it was you as your post was edited. See your breaking rules and not even realizing it.
I didn't think it was against the rules to state the name of another forum member. I did not think that it was considered "calling out" since I wasn't being rude. I was wrong. The rule is very vague. That is the first time my post has ever been edited, and I didn't post it 250+ times, so I doubt that accounts for all of my abuse reports.
I've had 2 threads closed on me in the history of the forums. Oh no. And only one of them was related to this topic. It was closed down because it was derailed into an argument. This one will not be.
Hey there! I've edited your post, as it was calling out another forum member publicly. Please remember that type of behavior is a violation of the forum rules (and may be the reason your post had been flagged by another member).
In case you didn't read it. Its you.
Yeah, I know. Read what I just said:
Nope the mod was very clear.
I said the rule was vague, not the mod. I now understand the rule, and my post has been fixed. I would've done it myself if the mod hadn't.
My advice - ignore it; the more you make it an issue, the more people you'll annoy, which in turn will do it just to spite you. The mods have seen your posts, complaining continuously isn't going to change anything except clutter the forums.