Darkhawk not applying shock in Null mode and sp1

Using a sig 200 5/65 Darkhawk in 6.2.1 on the mutant path. After using an sp3 to go into Null mode, I hit Sabretooth a few times and noticed he’s not applying the instant shocks. On the next fight I recorded fighting Onega Red I had the same issue. I used an sp1 in null mode to see if it would apply a shock debuff. It was inflicted but was not dealing any damage. I am 100% sure this is a bug.

Looks like Life Cycle is considering his shocks to be debuffs, when they are not.
Also, next time try to post any suspicion of a bug or issue on the correct category for it: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/categories/bug