Would you guys like to see a practice mode

Made the suggestion a while back and it seemed fairly popular but it got ignored. Essentially, practice mode would be a mode where you design an opponent you want to face and practice against (Such as the Collector or just a normal champion like Thing that you want to get better at defeating.) You should also be able to choose their nodes and such. You should have options of setting their Health or you can set them to unlimited hp and see how far you could go. Another cool thing would be if you can make them just stand still and experiment with champions, like seeing how big numbers can get. What do you guys think?
Would you guys like to see a practice mode 61 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
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I personally would enjoy it but kabam might not like the idea because of its implications.
I do think it would be cool if there was a RoL v2, which is the exact same as RoL except bigger health pools and different champs. None of the stuff that makes LoL or AoL hard (hit cap, limber, evade, rage, damage cap), just RoL with different champs and bigger health pools. It would allow us to see exactly how nuts Proxima’s L3 is fully ramped up, G2099 dps fully ramped, etc.
I would actually be able to practice against champs like the 6.2.6 champion and put in the effort to master the fight instead of having to do the whole quest again and again.
This will be a huge QOL improvement in my opinion.
It would be useful for defensive and offensive testing, which is more than you can say for rol Winter Soldier