Can someone explain diversity and the need for it?

What's the point of this concept and why was it introduced into AW 2.0?
I'm betting that not one person will be able to give a reasonable explanation for having it.
I'm betting that not one person will be able to give a reasonable explanation for having it.
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Pretty much this people kept crying they had to fight the same people now we have this system
Their opinions never really mattered anyway. You don't destroy a well running system because a few aren't willing to work hard like everyone else.
The old system rewarded skill and dedication and hard work. It benefited hard working players. A minority of lazy people cried that they couldn't keep up.
The new system doesn't reward skill. It's worthless.
And what's the benefit of that?
What is the benefit of having weaker champ on defense? Are they better defenders?
Don't bring mystics and max MD. Bring your Kamala and Luke Cage. See how that works out for you.
But don't control what OTHERS bring by ARTIFICIALLY restricting their value.
We shouldn't be listening to them. They're lazy and a drain on the system and an insult to everyone who works hard. Their opinions don't matter at all and the last thing we need is to cater to them by destroying a system that's built around hard work and dedication.
Too bad! Learn how to play or quit the game. You can't ask the developers to dumb it all down because you're not good.
It's disgusting how they just catered to these whiners.
But in reality we all know the reason Kabam did this. It's not to placate the whiners, it's to indirectly nerf the entire champ roster, devalue everyone's work, and get players to invest rare resources into otherwise worthless champs so they can try and compete in Computer Wars where the winner is decided during placement and not during battle and where the concept of skill doesn't exist.
Remember the outrage that defender kills were removed, well imagine that AND no diversity, I think diversity was put in there to paper over the removal of defender kills.
But now no ones hardly being killed anyway because wars so easy XD
Are you honestly equalizing AW 1.0 and 2.0? As if they're the same? One rewards skill the other doesn't AT ALL.
They should cater to people who want a skill based game.
Your silly ridiculous proposition of having 1.5m health nodes that have bane and stun immunity is STILL a better decision than this 2.0 **** that's not even based on skill at all.
AW 1.0 was fine. A few minor adjustments was that all that was needed.
You seem to like winning based on anything BUT skill. I wonder why that is.
In what way is 2.0 based on skill cause it's 5x easier and wins are entirely based on roster instead of fighting ability.
Which one is MORE skill based? You can't answer this, can you?
Nice knowing you troll!