2500 5-star shards.... is it enough

I'm torn on this. The 15.1 and 15.1.1 updates were horrible and I was forced to use lots of items, purchased either via glory, loyalty or units.
I'm not thrilled that my Alliance revives were depleted and not replaced.
2500 shards is nice, but I don't feel it's adequate.
I'm not thrilled that my Alliance revives were depleted and not replaced.
2500 shards is nice, but I don't feel it's adequate.
fully shut down game and reload maybe?
And I wish they would have given some notice of this. Hope there is more also.
Lol, it would be an EPIC fail if Kabam failed with the 'compensation' distribution too.
Lol don't count on it.
What's your problem? We didn't lose shards because of their glitch; we lost units, potions, and revives. That's what we should be given as compensation rather than 1/4 of a random 5 star.
You are not understanding what people are complaining about...2500 shards is a nice gesture...but what we lost is units, some lost a lot of it, potions,...
Thats exactly what it is, only a nice gesture, for show. They torment us for nearly a month with this **** update and the then throw something of very less significance our way with hopes of shutting us up.
Oh my god, are you high?
This. The compensation is completely unrelated to the issue. We lost potions and units. It's not like one fourth of our five stars got sold.
Yeah sure mike