Kabam your support team are actually insane

My alliance mate lost the password to his 5 year account, he’s sent them details of first purchases location everything, screenshots of purchases, milestones etc but they won’t reset his password because of the 15 things they’ve made him remember he can’t remember the original name of his account, this wasn’t bought it’s just something he can’t remember from 5 years ago, he’s been in my alliance for years and spent tons of money on the game, been locked out for the whole, week, just not great with passwords and memory as some people aren’t, your pedantic “support team” have been a nightmare to deal with, he’s freaking out and having to quit the game. Some actual human compassion would be nice in this case, any mods can help out? 115508 is his ticket number from ‘support’
Our whole alliance are sending support tickets and being ignored, your support bureaucracy are lacking
Our whole alliance are sending support tickets and being ignored, your support bureaucracy are lacking
This discussion has been closed.
The ways in which our Support Team verifies account ownership are always being reviewed and updated to help make it as effortless as possible for players to confirm their ownership of an account while maintaining a suitable level of protection to prevent someone from making changes to an account which they didn't create.
If you would like to share feedback about the account verification process or have any improvement suggestions, I recommend sharing them directly with our Support Team. You can get back in touch with them by clicking HERE.