Cheater tag

Just crossed my mind. The officers have no clue of players background while recruting, so it can happen, we unitentionally recruit a cheater and get docked at season end...
So it would be nice to have some way to be aware if and how many times the profile crossed the line. Something like "war mvp" in the main profile.
So it would be nice to have some way to be aware if and how many times the profile crossed the line. Something like "war mvp" in the main profile.
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What about the 29 others in Ally who worked they ass off and didn't get the rewards they deserved?
Once a cheater always a cheater. The "second chance" is the ability to make a new account and put honest work in to that one, if you really have turned around and learned your lesson then do it that way.
People do change. Some YouTube streamers were mercs and they changed. They decided to no longer go that way. Anyways that's my opinion. Irrational people can't be talked with.
You seem like someone who did abyss and pulled duds and are now mad at those who used mercs and got some champs better than you. I'm sorry for you if that's what happened. But that does not give you the grounds for asking for cheater tag. Stupid suggestion.
And before you jump to conclusions, no i have never hsed these cheating means, and have never been banned even once.