Bugged Interaction : Magneto able to reduce Archangel ability accuracy

I did Rising sun path in 7.3.3 for completion.
As the path had node which places passive disorient on well timed block so I brought AA to fight Mag as AA is AAR immune.
But everything changed when I went in the fight, as AA failed to parry magneto when I had 3 disorient passive and magentize on me.
Should this be possible or it is an bugged Interaction due to passive disorient?
As the path had node which places passive disorient on well timed block so I brought AA to fight Mag as AA is AAR immune.
But everything changed when I went in the fight, as AA failed to parry magneto when I had 3 disorient passive and magentize on me.

Should this be possible or it is an bugged Interaction due to passive disorient?
Passive disorients are reducing Archangel ability accuracy.
Did the fight against Drax to verify..
After 3-4 passive disorient, AA is failing to parry opponents.
That is true, so the question then becomes, does the nodes abilities become the opponents abilities when the fight starts
AA is fully immune to AAR no matter whether it's coming from nodes or the defender's abilities since like someone already said: nodes are counted as the defender's abilities
Active disorient like from Fury Sp1 or Masacre sp1 do not reduce his ability accuracy.
@Kabam Zibiit @Chikel
Archangels ability being reduced by mordo strength in numbers. 2 champs were dead meaning 25 %AAR
This is ongoing from the introduction of passive disorient node addition to the game
This is the description of Concussion from Quakes kit. But we all know she reduces more than just her opponents base ability alone