So Kabam, crystals bog down servers, solution?

Take away inventory caps for max level player or at least TB players (or the new title that may come with completion/exploration of Act 7)
Without inventory caps there is virtually no reason to hoard any crystals. Sure it may take a little from sales but would be less taxing on the servers for sure I imagine based on conversations I’ve seen here? For instance I have a ton of 4hr crystals, AQ crystals, T1-4 class cat/frag crystals etc.
If there was no risk of them being wasted I’d open them all tomorrow?
Thoughts from the team and community?
For champion crystals this might be the best way to maintain things the way they are. For things like Gold crystals this seems like a huge overhead that is unneeded. If instead when you get a Gold crystal it just increases a counter of how many you have and opening one decreases the counter, that counter variable would take up the same amount of memory regardless of its value.
I think you could do something similar with arena boost crystals. Let us trade regular ones that no one uses for greater ones that are what people use. Now I just have a ton of regular ones that serve no purpose whatsoever.
And finally, fix quest crystals. Preferably in a manner that makes them worthwhile to open individually, but moving the (again) QoL Sigil feature to convert 100 of them into something more worthwhile into FTP would allow people to get rid of them. Because when I'm FTP, I just can't be bothered with opening those.
It's not a problem that somebody might have 2000 of 1 Crystal, it's that somebody might have 1 of 2000 different crystals, and even then it's not based on how many any Summoner has... just that the data exists.
Disclaimer: I am not an engineer, and this is my rudimentary understanding of the situation.
Now we need an efficient way to look up how much of each crystal each player has so it can be used places like on the crystals screen. That means we need an index that has the player and crystal. Think of the same data mentioned above, but sorted in a super special way (how data is stored, the order that it's stored in, and how it's retrieved is a really in depth topic that I'm going to gloss over). Each type of crystal means another in instance of the index, and storage can get really expensive really quick. Also, too much data in an index that contains too much info in a level of the index (like number of players or types of crystals in this example) becomes less useful and data retrieval is slower.
Anywho, I could be horribly wrong but that's my take based on my experience with databases and other stuff. I'm sure this is a drastic oversimplification especially since the number of players greatly outweighs everything else.