New Champ missing major tag

How is Sam Wilson CA not #metal. He is not any different in general makeup to Archangel. Metal wings which should allow Magneto to do what Magneto does. I know there are "comic" oversights like the Ghost Rider/incinerate discussion, but this is simply poor tagging of a champ. Can someone from Kabam please explain why Sam Wilson doesn't have metal tag when the whole basis for what made him a new character is metal?
Therefore simple answer to OP's question is #Magneto
You don't know for sure he was meant to have a specific tag. You can't figure it out purely by just looking at the character, or by going with information from sources outside of the game.
Of course it is possible Vision's internal technology including the parts of his brain not including the mind stone could be made of vibranium, but I think that's unlikely simply because that seems beyond the technology of any government outside of Wakanda. Also the fact that Ultron's vibranium body didn't appear to contain indestructible vibranium parts when they defeated his prime body suggests not even Ultron knew how to construct such a thing. It would also seem likely be beyond the ability for SWORD to repair in WandaVision.
Antarctic Vibranium is the opposite of Wakandan Vibranium. So if if Wakandan Vib isn't magnatized... Antarctic Vib would be. Vibranium , also known as,opposite effects to Wakandan Vibranium.
Basically AOU bio says adamantium which seems inconsistent with this form and should be vibranium
Just glad they finally made GR incinerate immune after so many years.
I guess it's a great answer so may be the clear your doubts