How will next BG season be any different?

After 5 seasons with reports of modders, input issues, and bugs. What will be different this season? This mode can be so much fun and definitely a needed change of pace in the game. But, with all of these issues combined it becomes taxing and not fun to play overall.
Is Kabaam examining anything? Planning on disciplining modders ( longer than 1 week)?
What steps are you a a company taking moving forward?
Is Kabaam examining anything? Planning on disciplining modders ( longer than 1 week)?
What steps are you a a company taking moving forward?
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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I don't know if I have to laugh or cry.
The game has the mechanisms in the game to show modding taking place. We see it in the stats every BG fight.
1 hit.. 8 second .. health pool gone. That’s a stupid easy to see. We shouldn’t even have to report that. Set thresholds, Flag it, and permaban the account. They will get tired of creating new ones.
An Overwatch system like the one in CSGO would be very helpful and the community would help to detect cheaters.
1. Save fights so they can be examined within the game itself. (Fight replay system)
2. Select experienced players with a lot of knowledge of the game to investigate the reports.
3. The "investigators" would give their verdict and explain "why" a fight is "impossible" or was made using cheats.
4. The player would not be punished based on the results of the "investigators", but would filter a large number of reports and expose specific points on which KABAM staff could base their investigation.
5. Do HWID ban (device ban) like many other companies do.
Personally I’d like to snap the guy’s phone in half and throw it into the sea but if he was paying my company that much I could see why there might be second thoughts.
We are pretty open with how we act on Modders in Battlegrounds. We have an escalating punishment system that goes from 7 Days, to 30 Days, to a Permanent suspension. This is a common practice in most games, and the goal is to reform players so that they can learn their lesson and come back as rule-abiding players. This works most of the time.
We're also open about how we know that we need to continue to improve our cheat detection methods. We're continuously getting better at catching cheaters, but cheaters are also continuously getting sneakier and looking for ways to avoid getting caught.
We need to continue to improve how we identify cheaters and act on them, but that is going to be an ongoing battle.