Question about Blade for kabam

So on the 14 of feb Blade will be added as a basic champ, but on the 22nd hes a 15k featured.. So if we pull blade, we technically pulled a basic champ worth 10k?
Technically that's false. When you say that Blade as a basic champ is worth 10k shards, that's tantamount to saying if you enter a lottery to win a car and you pay $5 to enter, if you win the car you just won a five dollar car.
The champions are not "worth 10k." The crystal costs 10k. The champions themselves have whatever subjective worth you give them. But since you cannot buy them for 10k, they aren't worth 10k on their own. What you are paying for when you are buying the 15k featured crystal is not a more expensive champion. You are buying better odds at pulling him.
Yes and a lot better odds. Feature crystals are ~20% and the basic crystal is an equal chance for every champ in it. There will be 83 champs in the basic pool when Blade is added so 1.2% chance.
Also, Blade is in the basic pool when he’s in the feature crystal. So think of it like 5 doors (assuming 20% chance for a feature). 1 door has Blade in it, and the other 4 doors have 83 total champs behind them including Blade.
Did you not see my post just above you? It’s not even close to 0.002% out of a basic. 83 champs with all being an equal champs means 1.2% chance.
It was hyperbole.. i hope
Just to add, if you consider two lottery tickets of worth $5 and $10 for same car , which one you will buy and you know the winning prize. Any thoughts??
That depends on the odds of said Lottery Tickets. If the $10 ticket is an estimated 20%, as opposed to 0.02%, I'd take the $10 one.
I already payed 60 for nothing and I am running to finish 100% LOL to throw other 90k at him. I hope that over 150k I will get him at least once
It was. My point was that you have a much higher chance of actually getting him if you buy the featured
But I do appreciate @Kabam Miike popping in with a useful response.
Dr. Zola
Any chance Miike could opine on that one? Or if it has been asked and answered elsewhere, could someone direct me?
Dr. Zola
Since the Blade crystal will be the last of its type, can we get a conformation of odds?
I’m guessing something like this:
Assuming 1/5 (anecdotally derived feature odds): 20%
Plus 1/84 odds of pulling Blade as a basic: 1.2%
Assumes zero Blades in sub-feature pool since he is in basic on 2/13.
Final odds a little better than 20%.
Have no idea if that is actually correct. Have no idea if this is even how they calculate it. Have no idea if this is actually how the belated feature crystal works. And I’m in no way trying to impersonate a mod via my reply.
Dr. Zola