Next Featured 5* Crystal

Dear Kabam,
Have you decided which basic champs you will be putting into the next Featured pool alongside Gladiator Hulk, Killmonger, Bishop, Sentinel, Sabretooth and Proxima Midnight/Corvus Glaive?
If so, could you please let us know so that those of us willing to risk the extra cost at a 4% chance at a champ we want will know whether it is worth the risk.
PS: I know the featured 5* is pretty lame, but I have enjoyed the reviews of the first 5 of those champs and 3/6 of my 5* are Gambit, She hulk and Kamala Khan. So im really looking for any chance at getting a 5* that I would enjoy playing and would be my first option to r3 and r4.
Thanks for listening Kabam, please make good decisions, otherwise I fear that the Collector will be overthrowing the Grandmaster again for the chance to provide us with the old Featured 5* Crystal.
Have you decided which basic champs you will be putting into the next Featured pool alongside Gladiator Hulk, Killmonger, Bishop, Sentinel, Sabretooth and Proxima Midnight/Corvus Glaive?
If so, could you please let us know so that those of us willing to risk the extra cost at a 4% chance at a champ we want will know whether it is worth the risk.
PS: I know the featured 5* is pretty lame, but I have enjoyed the reviews of the first 5 of those champs and 3/6 of my 5* are Gambit, She hulk and Kamala Khan. So im really looking for any chance at getting a 5* that I would enjoy playing and would be my first option to r3 and r4.
Thanks for listening Kabam, please make good decisions, otherwise I fear that the Collector will be overthrowing the Grandmaster again for the chance to provide us with the old Featured 5* Crystal.
This discussion has been closed.
Sabertooth, Bishop, Proxima, Sentinel, Corvus + which?
@Crazyjack719 Nailed it on the head. I have 35k right now and depending on what is released with the next will factor in my decision. Especially in the case that I really don't like the other 18 champs etc...
So it would be very helpful to know.
Patience is a virtue. Seems no one has it on these forums
When something has the potential to be gamechanging it’s not just about patience. That 5* could be the key to completing limited time content for someone. It’s not even just the fact that kabam aren’t releasing it, they aren’t commenting at all. It’s radio silence.
Sorry, but we can't offer updates when there is nothing to share yet. There are still 14 days until this Crystal's time is up, and we will let you know what the new Champions will be before the new one is available, but until we have something to share, it's not possible for us to offer any information