More AW manipulation.

Certain alliances are now matching with specific alliances in order to obtain bonus points for defenders remaining.
A defender remaining grants 250 points. In master bracket that is 1,875 points per defender when you use the multiplier.
150 defenders remaining is 281,250 points...
If an alliance does this it's as if they get an additional victory bonus. Here is the thing some are now doing this to get a boost in an attempt to reach top 3.
This isn't the only other cheating going on this season, and I hope to have more on that soon.
I hope that those doing this are punished accordingly.
A defender remaining grants 250 points. In master bracket that is 1,875 points per defender when you use the multiplier.
150 defenders remaining is 281,250 points...
If an alliance does this it's as if they get an additional victory bonus. Here is the thing some are now doing this to get a boost in an attempt to reach top 3.
This isn't the only other cheating going on this season, and I hope to have more on that soon.
I hope that those doing this are punished accordingly.
A 10 death victory in master awards ~1,386,420 points.
That means there were about 145 defenders remaining..... 268,000 extra points they did NOT earn.
@Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ This is cheating and I trust the Kabam team is dealing with it.
Ya it's ridiculous, they passed my alliance cause of it!
We are aware of this, and are looking into it. This is certainly not in the spirit of healthy competition, and not what we want Alliance Wars to be. Keep in mind that we will not comment on any ongoing investigations or actions taken as a result.
Thank you for this, we have really appreciated that in season 2 we've had almost all fair wars and a fair shot. If we don't make top 3, no problem. But we should get a fair shot.
Ya this is what he's talking about
ah ok, i was confused reading your post haha and ya shell alliances need to go
Please reduce the points 2*, 3* and low rank 4* and 5* champs provide in master bracket wars.
What if the alliance say that you are in is in a match room with 5 other alliances two of who are in the top 3. Would you view that as manipulation? I’ve heard they announce as they start a war to make sure they don’t face each other and preserve their ranking.
Care to comment as to what should be done there? It would seem to be the very type of thing to upset you.
Hmmmm....that would mean of you wanted to drop an alliance down you place 2 stars to drop their points.
It would make more sense to not permit less than a 5 star in master bracket. Problem is some in master have to place 4 stars for diversity. That would be in a win your alliance would get less points.
Not sure this is well thought out. I guess you could not allow less than a 4 star.
That's not really a fair solution.
Yes, this is bad. What can be done? They have to make it so lower ranked champs give less attacker bonus.
Sure it is. How would this negatively effect someone in master bracket?
I mentioned low rank 4* and 5* giving less points. Max 4* and r3+ 5* would give the full attack bonus.
Edit*** nvm see they were moved down closer to me
That’s not how 2* work. For whatever it’s worth.
Sounds about right to me.
It might sound right. But it’s not.
Yes you punished 3 of top alliance recently. But we all know its happening alot more than that.
No, it's pretty accurate. Minus the 5 dupes the losing team will place.
You can't really make an alteration like that to Master only, and adjusting Points based on Rank and Rarity is pretty complex in terms of the scoring, but also opens up a whole other degree of issues. Not saying what you're presenting isn't a problem. Just that I don't think the suggestion is a viable solution.