Alliance wars need way more oversight. Worst thing I have ever heard just happened in game.

Piloting is back and it is worse than ever before. Now people are buying iPads for pilots to avoid detection. I will have more on this at a later date, but what happened today was probably the worst most crazy thing I have ever heard of on a mobile game like this, or tbh any game at all.
Today an alliance was losing a war, and this alliance paid someone to log into their opponents accounts and kick people who still had fights left to complete, so they would win. This is the MOST egregious thing that could have happened as these people who were kicked today will NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR SEASON REWARDS.
Now one of two things happened, and one of two things is true. Either the losing team paid this one guy, the account owner, to kick all these players and this guy needs a perma-ban, or this account the losing team exploited was using an arena merc or some other form of piloting service, like so many are now with this ability to buy a new device for the merc/pilot and avoid detection, and the losing team paid the merc to do the dirty work and not the actual account owner.
Kabam has the ability to see what happened. We all know that "funny business" took place, and most likely on both sides, unfortunately.
Whatever happened it is 100% not good for the game overall and this sort of stuff needs much more oversight. AW seasons has really brought out the worst in people. The best rewards in the game will be lost to a few because of the greed of others. Kabam please don't let greed keep this quiet.
AS A REMINDER PLEASE DO NOT CALL OUT ANY INDIVIDUALS OR ANY ALLIANCES. If you have more information, or are concerned about what happened and how if effects your ability to progress in this game please post on this topic. It is very important to voice your thoughts on things like this, or nothing will change.

Today an alliance was losing a war, and this alliance paid someone to log into their opponents accounts and kick people who still had fights left to complete, so they would win. This is the MOST egregious thing that could have happened as these people who were kicked today will NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR SEASON REWARDS.
Now one of two things happened, and one of two things is true. Either the losing team paid this one guy, the account owner, to kick all these players and this guy needs a perma-ban, or this account the losing team exploited was using an arena merc or some other form of piloting service, like so many are now with this ability to buy a new device for the merc/pilot and avoid detection, and the losing team paid the merc to do the dirty work and not the actual account owner.
Kabam has the ability to see what happened. We all know that "funny business" took place, and most likely on both sides, unfortunately.
Whatever happened it is 100% not good for the game overall and this sort of stuff needs much more oversight. AW seasons has really brought out the worst in people. The best rewards in the game will be lost to a few because of the greed of others. Kabam please don't let greed keep this quiet.
AS A REMINDER PLEASE DO NOT CALL OUT ANY INDIVIDUALS OR ANY ALLIANCES. If you have more information, or are concerned about what happened and how if effects your ability to progress in this game please post on this topic. It is very important to voice your thoughts on things like this, or nothing will change.

This discussion has been closed.
Cheats should never prosper and I for one hope that Kabam proves me right
Or they paid the officer to kick their own members so they would lose?
I'm saying one of those two things are true.
This story is still growing and seeming like both sides did really horrible stuff this war. It will need investigated by Kabam.
Not necessarily hacked. What may have happened, is an officer payed a merc to do arena, act 5, LoL or whatever for him. As such, the merc would have the account details. The losing alliance could have paid the merc to hand over the account details, or perhaps do the deed himself.
That, or the officer was payed to.
I agree with others though this isn’t in the nature of competitive wars
EDIT: it now seems that an old member that had an officers login was paid to do it according to above posts
Yea, but to do that Kabam will have to admit that piloting is still happening at the top of AW. which would mean they havent been doing deductions when they should have.
Kabam has said past behavior is taken into account when administering penalties for TOS violations. If this is true and this player has been penalized for TOS violations in the past not taking action this time would contradict what Kabam has said about penalizing players who break TOS more than once.
War rating deductions come with a War season point deduction and we all at the top notice when a deduction is handed out.