Advise for Labyrinth

I want to run Blade and SL both R4, what would be the best suggested team to use with these guys both in my Lab team?


  • SuperSam57SuperSam57 Member Posts: 325
    You will need GR for your blade as usual, but you might need a 3 synergy attack to get the extended timer for SL. Go in with this team and see if you get the extended enrage timer....Blade, Starlord, Ghost Rider, Antman, yellow jacket. Also I would look at the following:
    -Farm potions 100+
    -Farm revives (search through story mode for them, if you find them complete the path to reset the map)
    -Have 4-5K units depending your skill
    -Be prepared to get salty
    -Print off a map so you can mark off each path you complete
    -When using starlord against maestro, if he regens quit out of the fight and embrace the suck and go back in
    -Watch Seatins Labyrinth vids especially since he used starlord to help familiarize yourself
    -If you cant solo red hulk don't attempt until you can do it consistanly
  • BlindChickenBoyBlindChickenBoy Member Posts: 23
    Thank you bud
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