I recently did a huge crystal opening and I pulled quite a few catalysts., but I don’t know who to rank up. I only have enough catalysts to upgrade one so who do I choose?
I NEED HELP 25 votes
dont waste CC for 4* heroes to rank them up to 5
wait for a decent 5* champ
you can manage with 4/40s till you get a good 5*
1. Corvus 's damage output will get you through lots of content easily and quickly, and his armor break on parry is currently very good because of recently added champions having abilities based on armor (think IMIW, Emma, KM, etc.) Plus if you have proxima his synergy makes him indespensible against anyone who evades or auto blocks like IMIW, NC Modok, etc.
2. Couldn't tell you about blade since I don't have him as a 4 or 5 star.
3. Archangel is a beast, especially awakened so you get that heal block and (with high sig levels) that coveted ability accuracy reduction (3 neurotoxins should be enough to reduce ability accuracy by 100+%). Major damage but relies on the champion having no immunities since neurotoxin is formed from both bleed and poison... Still good though, and has some niche uses like being able to heavy mordo after parrying him since his ability accuracy can't be reduced.
I would say your safest bet is Corvus