4* and 5* Blade vs Golden Symbioid

White fighting Epic Golden Symbioid, I used 4* duped 5/50 Blade and 5* 4/55 Unduped Blade with sparky and ghost rider. My 4* Blade was sometimes able to parry and bleed along with significantly less evades from the Symbioid. On the other hand, my 5* Blade never once bled or stunned the Symbioid and I have 100% completed the quest and every time I get frustrated because even with rng, there should be no way that throughout 5-6 fights I never bleed or stun him when I’m some fights with the 4* he never evades and get parried every time. Would like clarification if this is a bug or just bad luck

My team in another quest

My team in another quest
Really gonna put everyone out like that man... c'mon now.
Don’t forget harden, mind games, quick reflexes, Symbiotic Switch and In for the Kill if you just wanna flex on Goldie.