Compensation for pilot victims



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,916 ★★★★★
    However broken the system is, giving Wins to people because others broke the rules would make it more broken. You can't punish people AND benefit others from it in a fair and balanced system. We will have to disagree. Playing and losing doesn't warrant a Win, no matter what the other Ally is caught doing. Short of using inhuman means like Mods, a fight is a fight.
    As for exploiting it, I'd go further but I don't want to put ideas out there. Lol.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    However broken the system is, giving Wins to people because others broke the rules would make it more broken. You can't punish people AND benefit others from it in a fair and balanced system. We will have to disagree. Playing and losing doesn't warrant a Win, no matter what the other Ally is caught doing. Short of using inhuman means like Mods, a fight is a fight.
    As for exploiting it, I'd go further but I don't want to put ideas out there. Lol.

    I'm good disagreeing as you are wrong. Playing an event that people spend money on where one side cheated doesn't warrant compensation? In what other venue is this the case? But that's OK. We can disagree and you can be wrong. Also no harm in putting ideas out there as the alliances at the top already exploit whatever can be exploited, and it's moot since the system is what it is. I'd love to hear you go further lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,916 ★★★★★
    If you want to call it wrong, sure. That's why they call it disagreeing. Disqualification I could reason with. Not rewarding people because other people broke the rules. That's a double-negative.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    Um... how is it a double negative? Also when one is disqualified the other doesn't usually lose. Currently the alliance facing the cheater doesn't just not get rewards, they lose AW rating and get a lower multiplier causing them to get lower points in the next war. So you not only aren't rewarding the honest alliance, they are getting punished by getting the loss. And yes, they do call it disagreeing, but that doesn't prevent one side of the disagreement from being wrong...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,916 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    It's a double-negative because they're already taking punitive action that has an effect on the overall Ranking. People are losing because they didn't win the War. They lose Rating because they lost. If said War is lost because the other Ally broke the rules, that's Kabam's to deal with. Not ours. We have too many eyes on other people. Same thing happens at the end of every Season. People aren't getting where they want, so the crusade on Piloting comes in. Fact of the matter is, if you fight and lose, that's a Loss.
    These things aren't retroactive, other than the reductions. They can't go back and take back Rewards after the fact because by the time their methods of detection and processes are completed, they're spent most likely. Equally, they can't go back and dole out Rewards to every Ally that encountered cheating because that's a never-ending process. Actions aren't immediate. We know this. It comes in waves after they analyze whatever data they look at. They remove Rating and Season Points, which places the cheating Ally in a lower position. What you're suggesting is people fought and lost so they should be given what they earned, plus more, plus punish the cheaters. Effect upon effect upon effect. No matter how you spin it, it's not a fair system to suggest. You get what you earn.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    It is Kabam’s to deal with. Agreed. That’s why we are asking them to deal with it. Lmao I’m going to bed as this is useless. Cheers
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,916 ★★★★★
    Dealing with it doesn't mean people get Rewards for someone cheating. Lol. Night.
  • FixxxFixxx Member Posts: 234
    The fact they resorted to cheating means they know they wouldn't have won in a fair match. Otherwise, why be desperate enough to cheat? The cheaters already know they won't cut it
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    If you want to call it wrong, sure. That's why they call it disagreeing. Disqualification I could reason with. Not rewarding people because other people broke the rules. That's a double-negative.

    Your name is a double negative then as you are neither grounded or have wisdom. Websatncher was better suited as you stalk a web forum waiting to snatch a thread to derail with your kabam sided, inexperienced, ridiculous "theory's" an no knowledge of 99% of the conversations you try to comment on.
  • EB54EB54 Member Posts: 77
    Would it make more sense to max out the cheaters war rating and let the top alliances beat them senseless. Maybe take away their item use and point bonus for the season as well.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,522 ★★★★★
    I don't agree with benefitting from someone else's rule-breaking. You can't award a Win because the other team cheated. Not within this system. In both cases, Allies aren't earning Rewards.

    @GroundedWisdom lmao you always post nonsense about what they "can't do". They freaking manually adjusted That One Certain Alliance's score after season one (because they were so brave and honest lol). They can do whatever they want. Awarding victory for opponents of cheaters in competition is pretty standard. It's obvious that Kabam isn't going to do it. But it's not because "You can't award a Win...Not within this system." That's like saying they won't because they won't.

    That "one" alliances also got caught for piloting....soooo there's that. Another alliance just had same issue as system didn't match them. Wonder if they will get same treatment?
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  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,275 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    Why not award the alliances that lost to pilots half rewards and points? That would be balanced, as half the time (on average) you would expect them to win against fair opposition, and half the time to lose.
    The cheaters get punished, and the cheated get a reasonable outcome for either a possible unfair loss or possible fair win.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    @Snizzbar that's way too reasonable for Kabam but I'd be fine with that.
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    Piloting is not fair play. Compensation on a possibilty of a win is not fair either.

    A reduction in the war rating because they really want to reduce the season multipler isn't fair. Having those alliance matched up against lower alliances isn't fair. Having it cascade to every tier and bracket, when those unbalanced matches result in a loss, isn't fair.

    Personally I believe, kabam needs to find a way to proactively fix these overlooked unfair outcomes in future seasons than retroactively giving compensation on hypothetical outcomes of past wars.
  • MaRvEl_MoNsTeRMaRvEl_MoNsTeR Member Posts: 87
    Y’all are forgetting that there are 30 people in an ally, and not all of them were banned due to piloting. So in master and plat1 for sure the other 29ish people are still paying for boosts and practicing to get better just like anyone else that did not get banned or caught cheating.

    It’s not fair to fight a team that is cheating, sure, but can everyone honestly say that they knew 100% that the folks in the team were cheating.

    I have been with this team for a while and I was blown away on who was banned. But still, there are more folks that now don’t get master rewards due to these few people that got caught. Timing was awful too as many could no longe find a team to move too. Then at that point you were praying and wishing that these guys better not have anyone cheating too. It’s a true sh|t show all over AW tiers.

    This whole seasons thing messed up AW, through and through. Kabam needs to find a way to fix AW seasons or just simply end seasons. Just got back to how it was before.

    As many have stated, we are humans playing humans. It’s in our competitive nature to want to win, and as shown some will go to great lengths to get that win. So if there is any way to cheat the system, kabam has to know it will be done. Kabam needs to find a way to to make it damn near impossible to shut it down.
  • AcidskieAcidskie Member Posts: 31
    I’m not sure if anyone has said this yet, but here is an idea when cheating is proven...

    1) Leave the alliance rank alone
    2) Disqualify the individual cheaters pilot and piloted accounts) from AW season rewards and those of the AW(s) they cheated in [not the entire alliance]
    3) Ban the individual cheaters account for continued infractions.

    This will prevent high ranked alliances from bashing smaller ones while removing all incentive to pilot for an individual. It also protects the innocent players in an alliance.

    Once the pilot and piloted have been excluded from rewards or banned, the behavior will stop and then the alliances will fall into what would be their natural positions sans cheating.
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