How crazy is that?

DankestChefDankestChef Member Posts: 420 ★★★
So last week was the sabertooth arena. I really wanted him so I grinded for him in the second round and I did manage to get him, making him my FIRST arena champ, and I was pretty happy about that.
And today, I popped my PHCs and look what I got.

How crazy is that!


  • LowercaseCube42LowercaseCube42 Member Posts: 143
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Crazy luck mate!
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,150 ★★★★★
    So last week was the sabertooth arena. I really wanted him so I grinded for him in the second round and I did manage to get him, making him my FIRST arena champ, and I was pretty happy about that.
    And today, I popped my PHCs and look what I got.

    How crazy is that!

    Back in my day it was top 5%
    Along time ago..some say today 6m for a 4* is crazy, but my roster was small and i tried to compete to get a good defender..

    6m for Nc in basic arena...didnt get him.

    I was sad...sad thay people had bigger rosters and was able score more than me..

    Popped next 10 4* i had and pulled and duped him..could of had him and doubled dupe..

    Till this day..i will always be behind
    275 5* shards by not getting that nc...
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    Nice dupe man. Congrats.
  • JayBird_IsTheWordJayBird_IsTheWord Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Usually happens when you use a gem on a champ too. The very next crystal is the same dupe. Smh
  • MoeyTehrMoeyTehr Member Posts: 499 ★★
    That happened to me with the 4* Sentential a month or two ago (or whenever it was in Basic). A wonderful feeling.
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