The penalty of spending. This is not in your best interest.

I like to buy crystals and don’t mind taking my chances on fgmc’s for the new champ. I don’t go nuts and there are certainly many larger porpoises swimming the mcoc waters than myself. Still though, I am ranking as fast as I can, grinding catalyst quests for other resources with hours and hours of play only to find myself selling off iso for gold I’ll never be able to use. My point is, the stash is too small. This is the case no matter what level player you are. I currently have over 5000 crystals I can’t open because I won’t be able to use the resources before they expire. To my fellow summoners, I understand this is one of those times you might be tempted to tell me to shut up, stop bragging, or don’t complain about a problem many would like to have. I understand, but if you keep playing you WILL also find yourself with similar troubles at many stages of progression, even if you’re free to play. My point is still, the stash is too small. I stopped buying crystals to try for Emma Frost, only because I’m tired of selling off iso. It makes no sense to sell iso into and unlimited gold stash only to use that gold later to consume iso. Here are three easy solutions to this problem that are fair for everyone:
1) Let us buy more items or even crystals with gold. Being able to get boosts or health pots with gold would be a very welcome change for every player, even if they were expensive.
2) The iso stash should be unlimted. For most players, gold is actually the limting factor these days. What’s the harm in hoarding iso? If players need the gold, they’ll sell some iso so they can consume the rest of their iso. Why limit one and not the other when they are so closely related? (Tangent: Why do we even have gold? Only to use iso? Sooooo, why not just get rid of gold all together and make iso more rare? I mean, why do we have to pay to use iso?)
3) Put more of your dev resources on rebalancing game progression. As a player base we have been very vocal for a long time about how outdated so many corners of the game are right now. From the T3 cat quest paying out 1/4th of a catalyst to the incredibly limited stash, and onto the the fact that we have 120+ champs in the game now, so why do we even have symbioids and multi class sentinels? They are completely unecessary after act 3. Symbioids were needed when there was only 15-20 champs in the game... I get it, but we’re good now. Drop em, please.
I hope this resonates with my fellow players. If it does, comment or add a reaction to this post so it get’s some attention.
1) Let us buy more items or even crystals with gold. Being able to get boosts or health pots with gold would be a very welcome change for every player, even if they were expensive.
2) The iso stash should be unlimted. For most players, gold is actually the limting factor these days. What’s the harm in hoarding iso? If players need the gold, they’ll sell some iso so they can consume the rest of their iso. Why limit one and not the other when they are so closely related? (Tangent: Why do we even have gold? Only to use iso? Sooooo, why not just get rid of gold all together and make iso more rare? I mean, why do we have to pay to use iso?)
3) Put more of your dev resources on rebalancing game progression. As a player base we have been very vocal for a long time about how outdated so many corners of the game are right now. From the T3 cat quest paying out 1/4th of a catalyst to the incredibly limited stash, and onto the the fact that we have 120+ champs in the game now, so why do we even have symbioids and multi class sentinels? They are completely unecessary after act 3. Symbioids were needed when there was only 15-20 champs in the game... I get it, but we’re good now. Drop em, please.
I hope this resonates with my fellow players. If it does, comment or add a reaction to this post so it get’s some attention.
I don't mind the sentinels or symbioid and adaptoid. They remind of other parts of the comics and that's totally ok. Wait till the brood show up haha. But seriously the resources and specifically gold need a look at. They are unbalanced as all get out. Always too much of one or the other but the other lacks. and it's not even close. It's a huge margin.