Alliance Quest

TxAggie17TxAggie17 Member Posts: 58
Why are AQ's taking so long to pop back up. I feel like my alliance is only able to do 1 maybe 2 a week...


  • captaincushcaptaincush Member Posts: 990 ★★★★
    They start at noon Pacific time on Wednesday, then you can start another one when the previous one ends, which is 24 hours after it was started. The last one ends at noon Pacific time on Monday no matter when it was started.
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    5 days a week is not long enough ?!
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,584 ★★★★★
    Mabye he talk abudet AW. Becasse Somtimes im dels AQ is more Thah 5 days
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