15mill ally looking for 4 solid players

Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
Tier 4 AW
Pushing hard for plat 3
Minimum requirement of 3 5* r4 with at least 1 r4/5 in defence
Map 5 and 6 in AQ, (there will be 1 BG dedicated to only map 5), Place top 500 in AQ,
usually ending a little over 140million points
Looking for players who are capable of successfully clearing a path in AW to help push us over the platinum boundary, as well as being active in AQ
Alliance tag- M I G
Top end placement in SA
No strict event minimums, unless points are lacking overall
Nevertheless all are required to participate,
Decent prestige required above 6k (anything slightly below may be negotiable)
Add an officer on line:
Line ID of officer - drcarloss
Thanks for reading


  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    6 spaces now, just cleared up to get ready for a push to platinum
  • Omair66Omair66 Member Posts: 64
    Hi im a boss killer a very hard dedicated player can go through players with nodes as well easily sometimes one shot boss iv played in tier 8 but im superb im running a whole bg in my war im an officer a team leader u can look me in game
    Legendarykiller is my username
    But rather then u i would like to ask things if ur ok with it
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    What's your line ID?
  • PJK97PJK97 Member Posts: 17
    My buddy and I are looking for a new alliance. Both experienced in plat . both around 7k prestige.
  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    @PJK97 can you add us on line or send your line ID
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