Iceman Lost his Ice Armor

I was fighting a Crossbones in Arena and he managed to get me with his L1. The L1 erased my Ice Armor and I never got the timer to bring it back. I kept the fight going a while to see if the Ice Armor would re-appear, but it never did. Haven't seen anyone else mention this, so I thought I would bring it up and see what anyone else has to say about this.
i thought the timer to reform the ice armor was a 100% thing, and rogue doesn't have any ability accuracy reduction right? (other than the fact opponents can't use buffs she's copied, which she had not in this case)
Parry. If he was stunned while his Cooldown ended, there's a 30% (with maxed pacify mastery ) he doesn't trigger his ability.
Do you have Pacify like @Fel_95 mentioned and did you stun him? I don't remember being stunned from the Crossbones, but the fight was a while ago now and I do not remember anymore.
Crossbone already reduce ability accuracy having furies, if you used a non-ability acc. reduction Pacify might have done it. A few patches ago, you could also disable Mordo power gain this way even if it said he was immune to
AHA that would explain it!