Buffing champs through synergies is cheap
The new trend of buffing many champs through synergies, instead of actually giving the character that certain ability, is kind of cheap. Why can’t colossus gain attack per armor up stack, without the synergy? Why can’t ant man gain attack per debuff on opponent, and furies when he glances without wasp and ghost? It seems really unnecessary to make a champ completely depended on a synergy to be of value, when they could just be given these abilities. This is just my opinion (don’t give me hate). Tell me your thoughts.
IMO the gap between Falcon and Corvus should be fixed, but then again theyre always coming out with the new blade, the new corvus, and the gap keeps growing.
In their roundabout way, they make champs valuable by team building. So in their results, Champ X gets "used" more, by being a synergy on a team, so they think theyve accomplished what they wanted: to make even lesser champs more sought after instead of a "Core 4" (SW, Thor, Dr. S, BW).
Maybe explosive personality kamala and unstoppable she hulk... Heck, maybe a synergy to give spider Gwen a special 1 that causes damage!