2 Hotel Vacancies - Gold 1 Alliance, chill by the pool and join us for cocktails

We are active but chill. No grinding necessary.
AW focus. Gold 1 is where we are and plan to stay.
AW 55333 rank 2500 around 67M points.
Minimal donations and no other requirements except Line app.
60 rating and solid roster to easily handle both AW and AQ. Multiple 5* is preferred.
Share your in game name and Line ID if interested. I’ll check top roster and reach out if you make the first cut.
AW focus. Gold 1 is where we are and plan to stay.
AW 55333 rank 2500 around 67M points.
Minimal donations and no other requirements except Line app.
60 rating and solid roster to easily handle both AW and AQ. Multiple 5* is preferred.
Share your in game name and Line ID if interested. I’ll check top roster and reach out if you make the first cut.
Line: halfmann13