LF1-2 for Tier 2, 7400+

AW: Plat 3 rank 30 last season (including 3 losses to piloting alliances), trying for Plat 2 next season.
AQ: 1 BG does a few days of map 6, rest map 5
Prestige: 7400+
US time zones
Man a la Pan (Line ID: manalapan)
Andrew&Daddy (Line ID: Richie731)
TheGup (Line ID: thegup)
AQ: 1 BG does a few days of map 6, rest map 5
Prestige: 7400+
US time zones
Man a la Pan (Line ID: manalapan)
Andrew&Daddy (Line ID: Richie731)
TheGup (Line ID: thegup)