Selection of members in quest and war for each battlegroup

Please kabam see to this important matter about all the alliance leader in this mcoc, when we are starting a alliance quest or war, we should get an extra options to that, which officers or members we required for each battlegroup we required to assign them correctly to their own battlegroup, leader think one and officers/members think one, so please do this update in next update it is most important thing in our mcoc which many alliance leader suffers from this, because some are active and some are inactive, when active members we know we will select 10 members in each battlegroup and they will get notify that which battlegroup to join which we assign them, and they join correctly to their battlegroup, all leaders know how many strong and average members required in each battlegroup, and my motive is to improve mcoc to a better future game by this update too, please show some courtesy to our leaders position, I believe many leaders, officers, members and kabam will look into this matter,
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