BEC4 looking for members/merger into our alliance

BEC4 is the second most powerful out of the BEC family of alliances. We are a Gold one alliance with a 5500+ minimum prestige per member. Currently we are looking for a total of 9 members to fill the vacancy
5x5 alliance
Tier 5 Alliance War
Gold: 135,000
Battlechips: 30,000
Loyalty: 12,500
Completion: 15,000
Item Use: 2,500
No Duels
If you’re interested, please either comment on this post or message me personally on Line: deltor-the-demon-god
5x5 alliance
Tier 5 Alliance War
Gold: 135,000
Battlechips: 30,000
Loyalty: 12,500
Completion: 15,000
Item Use: 2,500
No Duels
If you’re interested, please either comment on this post or message me personally on Line: deltor-the-demon-god