Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Dude, I'm looking for a new Alliance to grow with


Been playing 10 months, looking to hang out with some decently active butt kickers. Central US Time zone.

IGN: Mircist


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    join my alliance add me Chance6780
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    ss1100ss1100 Posts: 365
    MSKING can't find your ign. Anyway wat alli r u looking for? We are a u.s. based 10m Alli. Do u have line app?
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    ss1100ss1100 Posts: 365
    @MSKING wat tier Alli r u looking for?
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    MSKINGMSKING Posts: 10
    In Game Name is Mircist, looking for tier 10 or better War rating, tier 4 gold 2 is the most difficult level I have played
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    EcBatLFCEcBatLFC Posts: 38
    Do you have line?
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    MSKINGMSKING Posts: 10
    Line ID mircist
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