3 years ago 5* champions was coming out..

Here is a video of mcoc 3 years ago
For those who havent been playing this long,
Lv 50 account roster
3 years ago..nowadays we see lv 50’s with 6* characters.
Take things to account how things have changed and progressed

Rank 5 4* wasnt a thing...
Here is link to the video
For those who havent been playing this long,
Lv 50 account roster
3 years ago..nowadays we see lv 50’s with 6* characters.
Take things to account how things have changed and progressed

Rank 5 4* wasnt a thing...
Here is link to the video

I was over 300k rating before I had an R5 4 star
Dang 3 years passed in this game
Hahaha yea it sure did