How to make alliance war flexible

A l p h aA l p h a Member Posts: 544 ★★★
Kabam stated in their post that they want to make alliance wars more diverse and try to encourage people to use different champs.... their answer to this was to possibly bring in a bleed immune global node... i know this would only be for 1 season...but lets face it this is mainly to try and avoid the massive number of blades around! But what they havent acocunted for is this makes all other bleed champs also useless... archangel, gwenpool and even the newly buffed carnage and venom spring to mind... basically i feel as do others... that they are going about it the wrong way!

A better solution i feel would be to introduce something similar to defender diversity but for offensive teams instead! Not a massive amount of points, again like a tiebreaker, maybe 3000 ish points if all 10 players use different attackers to each other! Effectively strategizing by getting to know your members rosters to bring another skill element in by rewarding alliances that use a diverse attacking roster as well as defending roster!

Of course this is just throwing an idea out there! But i feel this would be a much more balanced way of moving forward? Especially since not everyone has access to god tier champs!
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